[Abstract]:Vocal cord paralysis will lead to the patients breathing, voice, swallowing function damage, serious conditions will make patients because of breathing difficulties and life risk, there has been no good solution. Although the traditional therapy can improve breathing to a certain extent, it can damage phonation and swallowing function, which is difficult to take into account. Medical researchers have found that stimulation of the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle with electrical stimuli synchronized with respiration can improve the breathing of glottis in patients with glottic paralysis and does not affect the function of swallowing and vocalization. This electrical stimulator for the treatment of vocal cord paralysis is called a laryngeal pacemaker. The principle of laryngeal pacemaker in the treatment of vocal cord paralysis was studied in this paper. The respiratory signal was extracted by implantable chest wall pressure sensor. According to the characteristics of respiratory signal, the hardware circuit is designed to amplify, filter and Denoise it, and the clean and complete respiratory waveform is obtained. The circuit of respiratory signal processing based on MSP430 is designed. The trigger signal is obtained by using trend judgment and extremum detection, which effectively solves the sudden problems of swallowing, pronunciation and cough. For patients with different vocal cord paralysis, a bipolar constant current pulse generator circuit with adjustable pulse width, frequency and amplitude is designed, which effectively solves the thorny problem of vocal cord paralysis. Aiming at the problem of long term energy supply for implantable laryngeal pacemakers, a combination of wireless energy transmission and implantable batteries is used to provide energy for laryngeal pacemakers. The model of charging circuit and coupling coil is established. Based on the model, the single-end flyback wireless charging circuit based on TL494 is designed to charge the lithium battery, and the charging process is controlled by secondary feedback. The energy supply problem of implanted laryngeal pacemaker is effectively solved. Aiming at the problem of information exchange of implanted device, the wireless communication mode based on ZigBee is adopted to solve the problem, and the function of feedback, control and monitoring of wireless energy transmission circuit is realized by using communication function skillfully. The stability and security of wireless energy transmission circuit are improved. In the design of laryngeal pacemaker, the particularity of implantable device is fully considered, and the low power hardware and software design method and the small size circuit are adopted. Laryngeal pacemaker can effectively solve the medical problem of vocal cord paralysis, but the development of implantable laryngeal pacemaker has not yet begun in our country. In this paper, the implantable laryngeal pacemaker is studied and designed in combination with the project. The original trend detection and extreme point judgment are used to obtain the trigger signal from the respiratory signal. According to the advanced and reliable Qi wireless charging standard, a feedback controlled wireless charging circuit is designed to provide energy for the larynx pacemaker. It brings great convenience to the patients with vocal cord paralysis, and provides a way to solve the power supply problem of other implanted devices, and will also bring great economic and social benefits.
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