[Abstract]:Brain-computer interface (BCI) is a direct communication technology between the brain and external equipment, which is one of the hot topics in the field of modern biomedical engineering. The main goal of the technology is to help people with defects in certain organs or tissues of the body to control and manipulate external equipment to make up for their lack of action. The core of this technology is the acquisition and processing of EEG signals. In this paper, a radio acquisition and processing system for EEG signals is proposed, which can be used to collect and follow up the EEG signals of mice. The structure of the system is divided into two parts: transmitting and receiving. Because the idea of this subject is to collect and process EEG signals from free-moving mice, it is necessary to have portable transmission circuit board and wireless transmitting function. In this way, the receiving circuit board must have wireless receiving function and the function of communicating with PC. The introduction of this paper first introduces the research significance of BCI technology and its research status at home and abroad, and then introduces the source and main work content of this topic. In the second chapter, the characteristics of EEG and various brain-computer interface techniques are introduced in detail. Through the understanding of the characteristics of EEG signal, we can determine some characteristics and functions of the EEG acquisition and processing system that we want to design, and provide us with theoretical basis and research direction. The third part of this paper introduces the overall framework of the system, and details the composition of each part of the system. The microprocessors used in the sending and receiving parts, such as A / D conversion, serial port to USB and power chip, are introduced one by one. Their performance and the reasons for their adoption in this design are emphatically introduced. The microprocessor we use is ST's chip with RF module, stm32w108,A/D conversion chip and AD7993.. This paper focuses on the fourth part, that is, the design of the front-end analog circuit. In this part, the structure and principle of the front-end analog circuit are introduced in detail. According to the order from front to back in the circuit structure, the schematic diagram of each stage and the functions to be realized are introduced step by step, and the performance parameters of chips such as operational amplifiers and filters used in each stage circuit are also introduced. The first stage amplifier has a great influence on the performance of analog circuit, so at this stage we use the instrument amplifier INA118, to ensure the first stage of the common mode rejection ratio is high enough. The front-end analog circuit occupies a very important position in the whole system. Because it is in the front end of the system, it is responsible for collecting the most original analog signal, so the performance of the analog circuit is very high. In this part we have spent the greatest effort to study. At the end of the paper, we introduce the simulation and some actual test results, and the fabrication of the circuit board. Then the overall design of the whole system is summarized and prospected, and the related problems and unfinished work in the design are introduced and analyzed.
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