[Abstract]:Background: biomaterials for cardiovascular medicine must have anti-thrombotic, anti-biodegradable and anti-infectious properties under blood contact conditions. Objective: to develop a new type of polymer material (surface) for cardiovascular tissue engineering, and to investigate the biocompatibility of various modified surfaces from the aspects of coagulation and anticoagulant coating modification on the surface of polymer biomaterials. Blood compatibility and cytocompatibility. Methods: PubMed database and Wanfang database were searched from 1983 to 2014. The English key word is "biocompatibility,blood compatibility,biomedical materials,biomedical polymer materials" and the Chinese key word is "biocompatibility material; blood compatibility material; biomedical material; medical polymer material". To eliminate the poor correlation with the purpose of the study and the contents of the obsolete, repetitive literature, research on the blood compatibility with biomedical polymer materials, summarized and summarized. Results & conclusion: the interaction between blood and implants and the modification of anticoagulant coating on the surface of biomaterials were summarized and analyzed. The biocompatibility, blood compatibility and cytocompatibility of various modified surfaces were investigated from the aspects of coagulation and anticoagulant coating modification of polymer biomaterials. The key to the development of new implant (intermediate) polymer materials (surfaces) for cardiovascular tissue engineering lies in the modification of coagulation and anticoagulant coatings on the surface of polymer biomaterials and the study of their corresponding biocompatibility with endothelial cell compatibility. Through the in-depth study of the types and applications of polymer biomaterials for cardiovascular medicine, as well as the cardiovascular medical devices and implantable soft tissue substitutes, it can be found that the difference between the surface and the body will be reflected from the surface to the body. On many layers of molecules that extend, Two main factors determine the bulk / surface behavior including bulk / surface difference and surface phase separation, that is, surface energy and molecular motility. If the understanding of ontology-surface composition difference is taken into account, additional determinants must be added, that is, the crystallization behavior of each component.
【作者单位】: 呼伦贝尔学院科研处;浙江大学高分子科学研究所;Department
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