[Abstract]:Acceleration sensor is a kind of electronic device which is widely used in production and life to measure acceleration force. Generally consists of inertia mass block, damping element, elastic element, sensitive element and debugging circuit. In the process of acceleration, the sensor measures the inertia force of the mass block, and then obtains the acceleration value according to Newton's second law. In the biomedical field, accelerometers can be used in surgical navigation systems, cardiopulmonary resuscitation equipment, rehabilitation of disabled patients, etc. Inspired by the mechanism of elliptical sac / balloon detection of linear acceleration signal in human ear vestibular system, an ionic liquid acceleration sensor suitable for detecting weak and low frequency motion signals of human body is designed in this paper. The structure design, material selection, testing principle and performance characterization are studied. Using green electrolyte with good performance, room temperature ionic liquid (Room temperature ionic liquids,ILs) instead of traditional electrolyte solution, as liquid inertial mass block, polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) as substrate and packaging material. An accelerometer with a size of 2 脳 2 脳 5 mm3 was prepared by using activated carbon paper with stable physical and chemical properties and large specific surface area as the detection electrode. The internal microliquid motion model of ionic liquid accelerometer and the electrical detection model of solid-liquid interface double electric layer (Electrical double layer,EDL) were established. The contact area between electrolyte and electrode was changed by liquid movement. The EDL capacitance of solid-liquid interface is changed. By using the finite element method, the effects of liquid volume, viscosity and solid-liquid contact angle on the motion delay and amplitude of the liquid were verified by establishing 3D microliquid motion model and 1D double electric layer model. In the solid-liquid interface EDL structure, according to the DC voltage applied by the electric extreme, the concentration and the charge density of the anion and anion show a regular distribution, and with the increase of the voltage, the charge concentration and density on the electrode surface increase. Two kinds of accelerometers, single inertial body and multiple inertial body, were fabricated respectively. When the external excitation frequency fr 6.89 Hz, moving displacement x 40 mm, without the signal processing module, Single Inertial body acceleration Sensor sensitivity Sn=0.689 mV/g. In the range of 2.5 Hz-11.75 Hz frequency, when the displacement of the ILs accelerometer is fixed x 40 mm, the resonant frequency of the device fres=7.13 Hz, outputs the signal Vp-p=10.2 mV, at this time. But in the testing process, the 3 dB bandwidth is ~ 2.5 Hz,. The narrow bandwidth limits the practical application of the sensor. Under the same motion excitation, the sensitivity Sn=1 mV/g, sensitivity of the multi-inertial body sensor is 45% higher than that of the single inertial body structure. By comparing the multi-inertial structure sensor with the commercial accelerometer ADXL335, the results show that the ionic liquid accelerometer has the same effect as the commercial sensor without signal amplification, but the signal-to-noise ratio of the output signal is lower than that of the ADXL335.. The motion state of the arm at low frequency 3.6 Hz,6.2 Hz can be clearly identified by using the multi-inertial body structure sensor, which indicates that the accelerometer is expected to be used in the detection of low frequency and weak signals such as human motion.
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