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发布时间:2018-12-07 20:22
[Abstract]:With the development of medical engineering technology, more and more attention has been paid to the whole life cycle management of medical equipment. In a broad sense, the entire life cycle of medical equipment ranges from research and development to clinical trials to hospital acceptance, use, maintenance until equipment is scrapped [1]. As clinical medical engineers in hospitals, we are concerned about how equipment goes from installation and commissioning to daily operation management to fault maintenance. High-grade CT has been widely used in most tertiary hospitals, but because of the relative lag in the introduction of hospital related talents, there is a great defect in the management of the whole life cycle of equipment. Engineers do not have a thorough understanding of the principles of the equipment, and problems cannot be solved in time. In some hospitals, the site of installation equipment is not up to standard, the calibration and debugging process is not serious, and the acceptance work carelessly fails to strictly comply with the standard acceptance work when it does not understand the specific acceptance contents, Equipment maintenance personnel technical level can not meet the equipment requirements and so on. These all affect the service life of the equipment and cause frequent malfunctions, which make the social and economic benefits of the hospital suffer great losses. At the same time, because the formulation of various national standards lags far behind the development speed of equipment performance, only relying on national standards to check and accept equipment has been unable to truly meet the requirements of acceptance equipment performance index. In order to prevent the problems mentioned above in the daily work, this paper mainly carries out the following work: first, the development of the energy spectrum CT, introduces the basic mathematical principle of the energy spectrum CT and the requirement of the hardware function. Secondly, the preparation of the installation site and the installation process of the equipment are introduced. At the same time, the functional structure of the key position of the equipment involved is analyzed in order to understand the basic working principle of the equipment. Thirdly, through the enumeration and analysis of the important data in the process of equipment acceptance and calibration, how to carry out the calibration and acceptance of the equipment is introduced. Finally, on the premise of understanding the principle of the equipment, this paper introduces the analysis, judgment and maintenance of some common faults, so as to achieve the purpose of practical application.


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