[Abstract]:With the development of nanotechnology, the controllable synthesis and modification of nanoparticles have attracted more and more attention of researchers and have been widely used in biomedicine and biotechnology fields. The first problem to be considered in the application of nanomaterials to biological environment is the cellular reaction of nanoparticles, so the study of the interaction between nanoparticles and cells is particularly important. Extracellular matrix is a gelatinous transparent substance that exists outside eukaryotic cells. It not only plays an important role in cell proliferation and differentiation, adhesion and migration. Moreover, the researchers found that the extracellular matrix can also capture and aggregate nanoparticles, slow down their motion and promote their endocytosis efficiency. Therefore, extracellular matrix has become an important factor to be considered in the study of the interaction between nanoparticles and cells. There are many factors that affect the size and morphology of nanoparticles, hydrophobic properties of nanoparticles, surface chemistry of nanoparticles and so on. These factors influence the way and mechanism of action between nanoparticles and cells, which result in different effects. Therefore, we need to explore the effects of these factors. In this paper, we used gold nanoparticles and polystyrene nanoparticles as probes to study the effects of a series of factors on the interaction between nanoparticles and extracellular matrix. 1Osteosarcoma MG-63 cells with thicker extracellular matrix and MG-63 cells treated with hyaluronidase were used as the model of thick extracellular matrix cells. The interaction of gold nanoparticles and polystyrene nanoparticles with thick, thin film extracellular matrix was studied. It is found that the extracellular matrix has a significant trapping effect on the particles larger than 50nm, but not on the particles about the size of 20nm, and this size effect is independent of the nanoparticles. 2. Breast cancer HeLa cells with more extracellular matrix were used as model, HeLa cells treated with ascorbic acid as cells with thicker extracellular matrix and HeLa cells treated with hyaluronidase as cells with more membrane extracellular matrix. The interaction between gold nanoparticles of 70-120nm and extracellular matrix cells with different thickness was studied. It was found that in HeLa cell line, extracellular matrix also had significant trapping effect on large particles. It shows that the capture of large particles by the extracellular matrix is universal. 3. The interaction between the nanoparticles with different surface charges and the extracellular matrix was studied. It was found that the extracellular matrix had a remarkable trapping effect on the nanoparticles with different surface charges. Finally, by studying the interaction between nanoparticles and the cells treated with inhibitors, it is found that the capture of nanoparticles by extracellular matrix is greatly reduced, which indicates that the capture of nanoparticles by extracellular matrix is not an independent biological process. It is part of the receptor that mediates endocytosis.
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