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发布时间:2019-01-04 14:58
【摘要】:聚合物共混可实现材料改性,使共混物的性能达到协同作用。通过文献查阅可知,壳聚糖(CS)与聚乙烯醇(PVA)相容性良好,可实现共混。壳聚糖和聚乙烯醇来源广泛、对人体无害、可生物降解、生物相容性好以及成膜性好,因此可通过共混降低成本,优化性能,扩大其应用范围。本论文主要研究壳聚糖与聚乙烯醇共混膜的成型工艺,并在此基础上采用湿法纺丝技术制备壳聚糖与聚乙烯醇共混纤维,最终得到力学性能较好的共混纤维;并通过SEM、FT-IR、 XRD、DSC对共混纤维的结构性能进行表征,并对壳聚糖与聚乙烯醇共混纤维的其它性能如力学性能、吸放湿性能等进行研究;测试共混纤维的抗菌性能,判断聚乙烯醇的引入是否会削弱壳聚糖纤维的抗菌性能。最后本论文取得了以下主要结果: (1)壳聚糖与聚乙烯醇共混膜的最佳工艺参数为:壳聚糖含量为50%,凝固浴浓度为5%,凝固温度为40℃,凝固时间为60s。醇洗工序和初晾干工序可提高壳聚糖与聚乙烯醇共混膜的力学性能。 (2)壳聚糖与聚乙烯醇共混纤维的制备工艺研究:介绍湿法纺丝工艺参数对共混纤维的影响,优选力学性能较佳的壳聚糖与聚乙烯醇共混纤维。 (3)壳聚糖与聚乙烯醇之间有较强的分子间作用,使共混纤维的结晶度得到了提高;壳聚糖与聚乙烯醇共混纤维的粗细比较均匀,横截面形状不规则,纤维表面有沟槽。聚乙烯醇加入后改善了壳聚糖纤维的力学性能;壳聚糖与聚乙烯醇共混纤维的回潮率为12.2%,略低于壳聚糖纤维的13.5%,但吸湿性能仍良好。 (4)壳聚糖与聚乙烯醇共混纤维对大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌的抑菌率均在99%以上,可见共混纤维中聚乙烯醇对壳聚糖纤维的抗菌性能影响很小
[Abstract]:Polymer blending can achieve material modification and make the properties of the blends synergistic. According to literature review, chitosan (CS) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) have good compatibility and can be blended. Chitosan and polyvinyl alcohol have a wide range of sources, which are harmless to human body, biodegradable, biocompatible and film-forming, so it can reduce the cost, optimize the performance and expand the application range by blending. In this paper, the forming process of chitosan / PVA blend film was studied. Based on this, chitosan / PVA blend fiber was prepared by wet spinning technology. Finally, the blend fiber with better mechanical properties was obtained. The structure and properties of the blend fibers were characterized by SEM,FT-IR, XRD,DSC, and other properties such as mechanical properties, moisture absorption and desorption properties of chitosan / PVA blend fibers were studied. The antibacterial properties of the blend fibers were tested to determine whether the introduction of polyvinyl alcohol would weaken the antibacterial properties of chitosan fibers. The main results are as follows: (1) the optimum technological parameters of chitosan / PVA blend film are as follows: chitosan content is 50, coagulation bath concentration is 5, solidification temperature is 40 鈩,




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