[Abstract]:Objective to study the therapeutic effect, safety and stability of domestic SWS- 4000 hemodialysis machine. Methods A prospective, open, randomized controlled study was used to study the domestic SWS- 4000 hemodialysis machine, and the imported Jinbao AK- 200 hemodialysis machine as the control. In the 2-year observation period, SWS- 4000 hemodialysis machine and AK-200 hemodialysis machine were included in 507 cases (8 094 person-times) and 593 cases (8 150 person-times) in the inpatients with chronic renal failure (CRF). Observation of the short-term, long-term dialysis effects, dialysis complications, machine fluid, and other indicators. Results there was no significant difference in the incidence of hypotension, hypertension, chest tightness, palpitation, nausea and muscle spasm among the patients with different hemodialysis models in the course of treatment (P0.05). The error dispersion of SWS- 4000 hemodialysis machine was larger, the alarm was more, and the concentration of sodium ion in dialysate was higher (P0.05), but it could be corrected by lowering the conductivity setting value of the machine. After single dialysis with SWS- 4000 hemodialysis machine, there was no significant difference between the improvement degree of (URR), blood calcium, blood phosphorus, blood potassium, total CO2, 尾 2 microglobulin and that of AK- 200 hemodialysis machine (P0.05). The patients' hemoglobin, albumin, parathyroid hormone (PTH), ferritin, transferrin saturation and so on were measured after 3 months of maintenance hemodialysis with SWS- 4000 hemodialysis machine, and the changes of hemoglobin, albumin, parathyroid hormone (PTH), ferritin and transferrin saturation were measured. There was no significant difference between the two groups (P0.05). There was no significant difference between the two groups (P0.05). Conclusion the dialysis function of SWS- 4000 can meet the needs of daily hemodialysis and can be used to treat uremic patients safely and effectively.
【作者单位】: 第三军医大学新桥医院肾内科;
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