[Abstract]:The metastasis of cancer cells is a complex, multi-step and time-to-empty cascade, and is the cause of the death of more than 90% of the cancer patients. The metastasis of cancer cells is also a process of the interaction between the cancer cells and its surrounding microenvironment, which is influenced by a variety of biochemical and biophysical factors in the surrounding microenvironment. The matrix mechanics is regarded as an important micro-environmental factor. Note: The effect of the mechanical properties of the matrix on the behavior of the cells is more than that of the "hardness" of the matrix on the behavior, structure and function of the cells. The results of the study on the effect of extracellular matrix mechanics on the metastasis of cancer cells have shown that the mechanical properties of the matrix have the same important role as the biochemical factors in the transfer of cancer cells: recent studies have shown not only the lines of the cells, The structure and function are regulated by the hardness of the extracellular matrix, and the hardness of the matrix plays an important role in the function of a large number of physiological functions or pathological functions. The extracellular matrix, however, is a viscoelastic material, in addition to the concept of "soft-hard" in the general sense, the viscous component of the matrix, that is, the energy loss component that describes its interaction with the cells, is bound to also produce a shadow on the migration of the cancer cells. In addition, in the previous study, the cells were mainly cultured on the two-dimensional plane and the substrate material used was also a synthetic material. In-vivo studies, though more realistic but also have a large number of factors and are difficult to control, are difficult to view directly Therefore, in order to study the multi-step process of the dynamic multi-step transfer of the natural matrix viscoelastic to the cancer cells in a three-dimensional micro-environment, which is close to the physiological and pathological state, In this study, the viscoelasticity of three different concentrations of collagen gel was determined by a rotary rheometer. The results show that the viscoelasticity of the collagen gel increases with the collagen concentration in the collagen gel. Thereby determining the viscoelastic properties of the natural extracellular matrix material that modulate the collagen through the collagen concentration. Feasibility. Then, on the basis of the research of Carlos P. Huang et al., a micro-flow control system for metastasis of cancer cells, that is, a microflow control cancer cell transfer study model, is constructed, which can completely realize the following functions: (1) the development of tumor cells (2) a biochemical factor concentration gradient distribution can be formed in the extracellular matrix, and the quantitative analysis can be performed; (3) the physical and chemical properties of the extracellular matrix material capable of regulating the growth of the cells can be adjusted, and the activity of the cell and the extracellular matrix material during the interaction process can be quantitatively and quantitatively tracked in real time. Based on the results of the first part, the viscoelasticity of the extracellular matrix in the growth of the cancer cells was adjusted based on the results of the first part, and the morphology of the extracellular matrix on the HepG2 cells was investigated by means of immunofluorescence and real-time observation. and activity, framework assembly, invasion, and migration The results of the cell biology show that, within the scope of this study, the activity of HepG2 in a soft, viscous, low-viscosity collagen gel is lower than that of hard, sticky, high-viscosity collagen; in hard, highly viscous, high-viscosity collagen, the cytoskeleton is soft, low in viscosity, in that gel; and the speed of migration and invasion increases with the increase in the viscosity and elasticity of the collagen The results show that the present study successfully constructed a micro-environment that can provide a micro-environment for cell culture to simulate in vivo physiological or pathological conditions and can realize the real-time monitoring of the surrounding microenvironment of cancer cells. The results of the study of biology indicate that the viscoelasticity of collagen has a good effect on the morphology and activity of HepG2, the assembly of skeleton and the ability of invasion and migration.
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