[Abstract]:Background: with the remarkable progress in the regeneration and repair of tissue engineering skin, bone, cartilage, blood vessel, muscle flap and so on, the problem of vascularization of tissue engineering tissue has attracted extensive attention of scholars. Objective: to summarize the mechanism of vascularization (angiogenesis and vascular regeneration), the strategy of vascularization (seed cells, scaffold materials, growth factors) and the model of tissue vascularization (in vivo and in vitro). It provides a theoretical basis for the basic research of vascularization of tissue engineering. Methods: the relevant literature of Pub Med,Springerlink,Web of Science,Science Direct database from January 2000 to April 2016 was searched with the key words of "tissue engineering,vascularization,scaffolds,cell growth factors,vasculogenesis,angiogenesis". The Chinese journal CNKI, Weipu and Wanfang database were searched with the key words of "tissue engineering, vascularization, cell growth factor, vascular regeneration. 55 articles related to tissue vascularization and reflecting the latest research progress were included. Results & conclusion: the scaffolds are widely used in the construction of microvessels in vitro. The scaffolds are made into models with vascular structure, and then two-dimensional cells are planted. Under the stimulation of growth factors, the two-dimensional cells proliferate towards the shape of vascular-like structures. Migrate, which in turn forms tiny blood vessels. At present, most of the cell-stent complexes, which can form blood vessels in vitro, develop along the direction of transplantation in vivo. There are still many problems in the vascularization model in vivo. The inflammatory response of transplantation in vivo is inevitable, which directly affects the function of cell-stent complex and its survival in vivo, and in the process of tissue regeneration and rehabilitation. Vascularization is still a difficult problem in tissue engineering.
【作者单位】: 南华大学药物药理研究所湖南省分子靶标新药研究协同创新中心;
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