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发布时间:2016-09-26 17:15


2013 6 29 6 J Clin Hepatol,June 20 13 ,Vol. 29 ,No. 6 467 临床肝胆病杂志 年 月第 卷第 期 综述 恶性梗阻性黄疸的外科姑息治疗进展 , 梁 张 李德卫 , 4000 16 重庆 医科 大学附属第一医院 肝胆 外科 重庆 : 。 , , 摘要 梗阻性黄疸分为良性及恶性 恶性梗阻性黄疸由于起病隐匿 初诊时多已丧失根治术机会 因此外科姑息性治疗对于晚 。 。 期恶性梗阻性黄疸患者尤为重要 本文就当前恶性梗阻性黄疸的各种外科姑息性治疗作一阐述 选择合适的外科姑息性治疗方 式对晚期恶性梗阻性黄疸患者有重要意义。 : ,, ; ; 关键词 黄疸 阻塞性 外科手术 姑息法 中图分类号:R657 . 4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:100 1 - 5256 20 13 06 - 0467 - 04 Progress in surgical palliative treatment for malignant obstructive jaundice LIANG Zhang ,LI Dewei. Dep artment of Hep atobiliary Surgery ,The First Aff iliated Hosp ital of Chongqing Medical University ,Chongqing 400016 ,China Abstract : Obstructive jaundice ,also known as surgical jaundice ,is divided into benign and malignant types. Most of the patients newly di- agnosed with malignant obstructive jaundice have lost the opportunity of receiving radical surgery due to its insidious onset ,so surgical pallia- tive treatment is very important for patients with advanced malignant obstructive jaundice. This paper elaborates on various current modalities of surgical palliative treatment for malignant obstructive jaundice. Appropriate modality of surgical palliative treatment is of great significance for patients with advanced malignant obstructive jaundice. Key words : jaundice ,obstructive ;surgical procedures,operative ;palliative care [5] 、 用 , , 恶性梗阻性黄疸是指因恶性肿瘤压迫 浸润导致肝内外胆 选用合适的引流术解除黄疸可以延





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