Temporal lobe epilepsy Stereotactjc technique Eleclroencepha
Stereotactic hippocampal deep electrodes implanted in the application of temporal lobe epilepsy surgery
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Shi Jian ,Wei Xiangpin ,Liu Xiang, et al.( Department of Neurosurgery ,Affiliated Provincial Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Hefei , 230001, China)
Abstr:Objective To discuss the value of stereotactie implanting hippocampal depth EEGs monitoring to localize the epileptogenic zone in temporal lobe epilepsy.Methods The depth electrodes were implanted in hippocampus in the guidance of MR and stereotactic in 15 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy,whose epileptogenic zone were difficulty to be localized or lateralized.Using video eeg monitoring to trace stage attacks and attacks between electroencephalogram.Epileptogenic zones were determined according to the monitoring results,and adopted individualized epilepsy surgery,regular oral antiepileptic drugs and follow-up after surgery.Results The longest postoperatie obseration period was 44 months,the shortest 8months,an average of21 months.The following-up outcomes showed that the satisfaction were 8cases(54%),significant improvements were 5cases(33%),good was two cases(13%).There were no serious complications.Only one patient postoperative appeared with visual field defect.Conclusion To record hippocampal EEG in patients with intractable epilepsy by stereotactic implanting depth elcctrode into the hippocampus is a minimally invasive,safe and accurate method to localize lateralize epileptogenic zones in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy.It has a decisive role in formulate individualized operation scheme.
Keyword::Temporal lobe epilepsy Stereotactjc technique Eleclroencephalography Depth eleetrode Hippocampus
课题项目:安徽省卫生厅医学科研课题项目(编号:13zc036); 安徽省重点实验室绩效考核补助项目(编号:1306c083028)