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发布时间:2018-06-30 02:24

  本文选题:小学生 + 脊柱形态 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:脊柱问题已经成为影响少年儿童身体健康的重要问题,通过对新华区小学生脊柱形态的测试,可以有效地对学生的脊柱生长发育进行监控,了解当前该区小学生的脊柱生长发育情况,分析导致小学生脊柱形态出现异常的原因,并做出改善小学生脊柱形态的相应对策,预防学生脊柱在自然生长过程中因形态异常而导致更严重的功能性异常的情况出现,提高家长、学校及社会各界人士对少年儿童脊柱健康的关注,以达到提高少年儿童脊柱健康水平的目的,同时为脊柱相关疾病的预防以及治疗提供可靠的参考依据。本研究使用了目前最为先进和便捷的spinal mouse脊柱电子测量仪对石家庄市新华区的10所小学的学生的脊柱形态进行了测试,男生894人,女生771人,测试指标为胸椎曲度、腰椎曲度,运用SPSS20.0对所测得的数据进行独立样本T检验和单因素方差分析,对胸椎曲度、腰椎曲度和脊柱形态各等级分布及百分比进行了统计分析;为了了解诱发小学生脊柱形态生长异常的原因,通过发放两轮针对小学生情况的问卷,为保证问卷填的真实性和有效性,问卷由被试小学生家长填写,并采取匿名的方式,通过家长对问卷的填写结果,来了解小学生的相关情况,分析得出导致小学生脊柱形态出现异常的原因;针对小学脊柱形态出现的异常,运用特尔菲法来确定强健小学生脊柱对策的合理性,共发放了三轮专家问卷,第一轮问卷通过专家意见,对指标进行筛选、整理和修改后,发放第二轮专家问卷,用Excel2010计算出第二轮问卷各项指标的均值,并将第二轮的专家意见反馈给各位专家,通过三轮问卷的15位专家对各指标的排序录入SPSS20.0后,用非参数检验计算出各级指标的肯德尔和谐系数和权重,和谐系数值均大于0.8,即专家意见趋于一致,并跟据权重值进行排序,最终得出了石家庄市新华区小学生脊柱形态的改善对策。研究结果:对不同脊柱形态人数分布及百分比进行分析,1665名小学生的脊柱形态处于正常背的人数仅占到12.3%,其中处于直背的人数比例最高,占据总人数的72.3%,处于直背的人数是处于正常背的人数的5.9倍,出现驼背的人数接近总人数的十分之一,还有部分小学生出现了腰椎前凸和鞍背;男生的脊柱形态比女生出现的生长异常的情况要严重;五年级小学生的脊柱形态优于其他年级,但处于水平三阶段的学生出现驼背的人数比例明显高于水平一阶段和水平二阶段;不同性别的男女小学生在脊柱形态上存在显著差异,男生的脊柱形态异常比例明显高于女生;随着水平阶段的升高,直背的人数比例在降低,驼背的人数比例在升高,部分小学生还出现了鞍背和腰椎前凸等脊柱形态的异常。研究结论:1、当前新华区小学生的脊柱形态总体健康水平较低,胸椎曲度和腰椎曲度均发生了不同程度的偏离正常范围,并且胸椎生长的异常比例要高于腰椎。2、石家庄市新华区小学生脊柱形态异常的诱发因素:家长在婴儿期对孩子保护过度、小学生学习负担过重及错误的学习姿势、不良的生活方式和习惯、自然环境的改变。3、石家庄市新华区小学生脊柱形态的改善对策有三个方面:学校因素、家庭因素、社会因素。
[Abstract]:The spinal problem has become an important problem affecting the physical health of children. Through the test of the spinal morphology of the pupils in Xinhua District, it can effectively monitor the growth and development of the spine of the students, understand the growth and development of the spine of the pupils in the area, analyze the causes of the abnormal shape of the spinal column and make a change. In order to improve children's spine health, parents, schools and people from all walks of life should pay more attention to the health of children's spine in order to improve the health of children's spine. This study used the most advanced and convenient spinal mouse spine electronic measuring instrument to test the spinal morphology of 10 primary school students in Shijiazhuang Xinhua District, 894 boys and 771 girls. The test index was the curvature of the thoracic vertebra, the lumbar curvature, and the use of SPSS20.0. An independent sample T test and a single factor analysis of variance were used to analyze the distributions and percentages of various grades of thoracic curvature, lumbar curvature and spinal morphology. In order to understand the causes of abnormal spinal morphological growth in primary school students, the questionnaire of two rounds of needles was issued to ensure the truth of the questionnaire. The questionnaire was filled by the parents of the primary school students and was anonymous. Through the parents' filling out the results of the questionnaire to understand the related situation of primary school students and analyze the causes of abnormal spinal morphology in primary school students. The rationality of the column countermeasures, a total of three rounds of expert questionnaires were issued. The first round of questionnaires, through the expert opinion, was screened, collated and modified, and second rounds of expert questionnaires were issued. The average value of the second rounds of the indicators was calculated with Excel2010, and the second rounds of expert opinions were fed back to the experts and the 15 experts of the three rounds of questionnaires were passed. After the order of each index was entered SPSS20.0, the Kendall harmony coefficient and weight of all levels were calculated by non parametric test. The values of the harmonious department were all greater than 0.8. That is to say, the expert opinions tend to be consistent with the weight value. Finally, the improvement of the spinal morphology of primary school students in Shijiazhuang Xinhua District is obtained. The number distribution and percentage of the column form were analyzed. The number of 1665 pupils in the normal back accounted for only 12.3%. The number of people in the straight back was the highest, occupying 72.3% of the total. The number of people in the straight back was 5.9 times that of the normal back, and the number of hunchbacks was close to 1/10 of the total number, and there was another part. The primary school students had lumbar lordosis and saddle back; the spinal morphology of boys was more serious than that of female students; the form of spinal column in grade five pupils was better than that of other grades, but the proportion of people who were in the level three stage was obviously higher than the level one stage and the level two stage; the male and female primary school in different sexes were in primary school. There was a significant difference in the morphology of the spinal column. The proportion of the spinal morphological abnormalities in the boys was significantly higher than that of the girls. With the rise of the level, the proportion of the number of straight back was decreased, the proportion of the number of humpback was increased. Some pupils also had the abnormal shape of the spine, such as the back of the saddle and the lumbar lordosis. Research conclusions: 1, the current Xinhua District pupils The overall health level of the spine is low, the curvature of the thoracic vertebrae and the curvature of the lumbar vertebra deviate from the normal range, and the abnormal proportion of the growth of the thoracic vertebrae is higher than that of the lumbar.2. The causes of abnormal spinal morphology in the primary school students in Shijiazhuang Xinhua District: the parents are overprotective to the children during the infancy and the pupils' learning burden is too heavy and wrong. Mistaken learning posture, bad lifestyle and habits, natural environment changes.3, Shijiazhuang Xinhua District Primary School Students' spinal morphology improvement countermeasures are three aspects: school factors, family factors, social factors.


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