本文选题:双模式 切入点:人工耳蜗植入 出处:《听力学及言语疾病杂志》2017年02期
【摘要】:目的比较双耳双模式助听患者在安静环境和不同背景噪声下的声调识别率,探讨不同信噪比和不同基频噪声下的双模式优势。方法 12例一侧植入人工耳蜗、对侧佩戴助听器[双模式(CIHA)]的汉语普通话患者参加本研究,所有患者双模式使用时间均为半年以上。使用天使语训i-CAST测试软件的人工耳蜗科研项目模块,采用闭合式测试方法,分别测试受试者在安静环境和不同背景噪声环璋下单独使用人工耳蜗(CI)、单独使用助听器(HA)和双模式下(CIHA)的声调识别率,测试环境包括安静环境、男信号男背景、男信号女背景三种,每种背景噪声包含10、5和0dB三种信噪比(以下将6种背景噪声简称为男男10、男男5、男男0、男女10、男女5和男女0),即每位患者进行21组测试;每组分别测试/Ba/、/Bi/、/Bo/、/Bu/4个音的一、二、三、四4个声调;测试声通过扬声器发出,强度为65dB SPL;记录患者上述三种模式下的助听听阈及助听侧裸耳听阈。结果患者在CIHA与CI模式下的助听听阈差异无统计学意义(P0.05),但均与HA模式和非植入侧的裸耳听阈差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。声调识别率受背景环境的显著影响(F=24.77,P0.001),安静环境、男男5和男男0背景噪声环境下双模式无明显优势(P0.05),在男男10、男女10、男女5和男女0背景噪声环境下双模式均有显著优势(P值分别为0.010,0.012,0.015和0.001)。结论本组患者在安静环境下的声调识别双模式无显著优势,信号声与背景噪声基频不同时,双模式优势显著。
[Abstract]:Objective to compare the binaural tone recognition of dual mode hearing aid patients in quiet environment and different noise background rate of different SNR and different frequency noise under the dual mode advantage. Methods 12 cases of unilateral cochlear implants, the side wear hearing aids [dual mode (CIHA)] of the Mandarin language were enrolled in this study. All patients with the use of double mode time was more than half a year. The cochlear research projects using Angel language training i-CAST test software module, using the closed test method, test subjects in a quiet environment and different background noise of single ring Zhang artificial cochlea (CI), using hearing aid alone (HA) and dual mode under the (CIHA) voice recognition rate, test environment including quiet environment, male male male and female background signal, the background signal of three kinds, each kind of background noise contains 10,5 and 0dB three kinds of SNR will be 6 (hereinafter referred to as the male background noise 10 male, male 5, male 0, female 10, 5 men and 0 men and women), in which each with 21 groups of tests; each group were tested for /Ba/, /Bi/, /Bo/, /Bu/4 sound, two, three, four and 4 tones; the test sound emitted by a loudspeaker, the intensity of 65dB SPL; hearing threshold and hearing threshold were recorded on the side of the bare ear under the three models. There was no significant difference in CIHA and CI aided threshold mode (P0.05), but the results were statistically significant difference with HA bare hearing mode and non implantation side (P0.05). The tone recognition rate is affected by the background the environment (F=24.77, P0.001), quiet environment, dual mode without obvious advantage in male male 5 and 0 background noise environment (P0.05), in 10 men, 10 men, 5 men and women have significant advantages of dual mode and 0 background noise environment (P = 0.010,0.012,0.015 and 0.001) conclusion. This group of patients in a quiet environment. The dual mode of tone recognition has no significant advantage, the signal sound and the background noise are different, and the dual mode advantage is remarkable.
【作者单位】: 首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科 耳鼻咽喉头颈科学教育部重点实验室(首都医科大学);美国加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校戴维·格芬医学院头颈外科;
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