发布时间:2018-05-03 01:24
本文选题:会厌囊肿 + 先天性 ; 参考:《临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志》2017年07期
【摘要】:正患儿,男,因"呼吸困难、紫绀、喉中痰鸣1h"于2016年9月2日入院。患儿系第4胎第2产,足月顺产娩出,出生体重3 750g,否认宫内窘迫及窒息史,生后哭声弱,口腔分泌物多,自口腔、鼻腔吸出约5ml白色黏液,喉中痰鸣仍著,伴呼吸急促、困难、口唇紫绀,皮测血氧饱和度80%左右,急转入新生儿科。查体:T36.7℃,P160次/min,R70次/min,SPO2 75%;精神差,烦躁,呼吸急促,喘憋貌,哭声弱,低哑,鼻翼煽动,颜面及四肢发绀,前囟平,
[Abstract]:The patient, male, was admitted to hospital on September 2, 2016 for "dyspnea, cyanosis, phlegm in the throat for 1 h". The baby was born at the second term of the fourth fetus, born at a birth weight of 3 750 g, denied history of intrauterine distress and asphyxia, weak crying after birth, abundant oral secretions, inhaled about 5ml white mucus from the oral cavity and nasal cavity, and still had phlegm in the larynx, accompanied by shortness of breath. Difficult, lip cyanosis, 80% of oxygen saturation, rapid transfer to pediatrics. Chuck: T36.7 鈩,