本文选题:奥曲肽 + 视网膜毒性 ; 参考:《山西医科大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:研究目的 探讨奥曲肽Octreotide(OA)玻璃体腔内注射对正常家兔视网膜组织结构和功能的影响。 研究方法 健康的成年有色家兔32只,不分性别,随机分为3个实验组0.2mg/0.1ml、0.4mg/0.1ml、0.8mg/0.1ml)和1个对照组,每组8只,,每只兔子的右眼用来做实验,实验组玻璃体腔分别注射奥曲肽0.2mg/0.1ml、0.4mg/0.1ml、0.8mg/0.1ml,对照组右眼玻璃体腔内注射0.1ml复方氯化钠。观察对象:所有的实验动物;观察时间点:注药前及注药后1周、2周、4周;观察指标:眼压检查、裂隙灯下眼前节检查、直接检眼镜下眼底检查、ERG检查及光镜和电镜下视网膜组织结构的改变。 结果 实验组及对照组均无结膜、角膜病变,无晶状体混浊,玻璃体混浊及眼底出血。所有组的视网膜组织切片在光学显微镜下结构完整,排列整齐,内界膜连续、较光滑,神经节细胞层未见肿胀,内核层及外核层形态正常,光感受器细胞形态正常。电镜下各组的视网膜细胞形态正常,结构完整,未见细胞空泡及核固缩,线粒体体积正常,无肿胀及空泡样变,视杆视锥细胞外节膜盘排列整齐。注药后1周,ERG的b波波幅轻度下降,各剂量组的下降幅度差别无统计学意义,到观察期末b波波幅恢复到给药前水平。 结论 正常家兔眼玻璃体腔注射奥曲肽OA≤0.8mg/0.1ml是相对安全的。
[Abstract]:research objective
Objective to investigate the effect of octreotide Octreotide (OA) intravitreal injection on the structure and function of normal rabbit retina.
research method
32 healthy adult nonferrous rabbits were divided into 3 experimental groups, 0.2mg/0.1ml, 0.4mg/0.1ml, 0.8mg/0.1ml) and 1 control groups, with 8 rats in each group. Each rabbit's right eye was used for experiment. The experimental group was injected with octreotide 0.2mg/0.1ml, 0.4mg/0.1ml, 0.8mg/0.1ml, and the control group was injected with 0.1ml compound in the right eye of the glass body. The control group was injected with 0.1ml compound in the right eye glass cavity. 0.1ml compound was injected into the right eye of the control group. Sodium chloride. Observation object: all experimental animals; observation time points: 1 weeks, 2 weeks, 4 weeks after injection; observation indexes: intraocular pressure examination, anterior segment examination under slit lamp, direct ophthalmoscope eye examination, ERG examination and changes of retinal tissue structure under light and electron microscope.
The experimental group and the control group had no conjunctiva, corneal lesion, opacification, vitreous opacity, and fundus hemorrhage. The retinal tissue sections of all groups were complete and orderly under the optical microscope. The inner boundary membrane was smooth, the ganglion cell layer was not swollen, the inner nucleus and outer nucleus were normal, and the morphology of the photoreceptor cells was normal. The retinal cells in each group were in normal shape and complete structure. There was no cell vacuoles and nuclear condensation. The volume of mitochondria was normal. There was no swelling and vacuolation. The ERG b wave amplitude decreased slightly after 1 weeks of injection, and the lower amplitude of each dose group was not statistically significant, to observe the end of B wave at the end of the period. The amplitude was restored to the level before administration.
Intravitreal injection of octreotide OA or 0.8mg/0.1ml in normal rabbit eyes is relatively safe.
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