[Abstract]:Objective to measure the area of fundus hemorrhage automatically by pixel value analysis and to quantify the evaluation standard of fundus hemorrhage. Methods Twenty-eight images of fundus hemorrhage in the sample bank were selected according to the characteristics of different color channels, and the threshold value of green channel (G channel) was selected according to the color and shape characteristics of the optic disc, macula and blood vessels to extract the bleeding image from Matlab software for image analysis. The statistical analysis of the data was carried out with the office software. The percentage of the hemorrhage area to the image area of the fundus was calculated, the accuracy of the algorithm was calculated, and the accuracy of the algorithm was evaluated. Results the percentage of hemorrhage area in 6 images of ocular fundus hemorrhage was 6.26 and 4.21, and the area of 10.74 was 2.01 and 7.735.01, and the average relative error was 3.61. Conclusion the method of automatic detection of ocular fundus hemorrhage area by pixel value analysis and measurement can extract the bleeding target of fundus image relatively completely and accurately, and the time efficiency is high, and the accuracy of the algorithm is guaranteed.
【作者单位】: 解放军306医院眼科;北京科技大学控制科学与工程系;
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