[Abstract]:Objective: To evaluate the recognition effect of cochlear implant (CI) on difficult hearing tasks, including complex speech recognition and competitive music recognition (.1), and to explore the expression of the double syllable words and statements of CI children to different sex multiple speakers and the demographic factors of CI children. The influence of.2) on the relatively difficult speech recognition performance of Mandarin Chinese). In the field of competitive music recognition, the CI users with and without competitive masking (melodic contour identification, MCI) performance as well as their applied pitch, tone color and time information with masking musical melodic outlines are explored. The ability to separate and recognize.3) develops standard Mandarin speech test materials suitable for Mandarin speaking CI users' speech recognition and evaluation.
Methods: 1) in speech recognition, the identification of 37 CI children (2 male speakers and 2 female speakers) was tested by the open set test. All CI children were divided into 2 groups according to the cause of deafness and the previous residual hearing. Group 1 was pre lingual deafness and 2 was in group 2. Posterior deafness. According to the demographic factors of CI children, such as the age of cochlear implantation and the age of speech recognition test, the age of multiple linear regression analysis for each group.2) in the competitive music recognition, the CI user and the hearing normal person (normal hearing, NH) with and without competitive masking of the MCI. target melody outline are from The 9 melody patterns composed of five notes of the piano. The pitch of the "root note" (the lowest note of the pitch) of the whole target melody is A3 (220Hz). The masking melody is composed of 5 identical notes, the same note is repeated 5 times. The time between the melodic contours and the target melody contours (simultaneously playing, overlapping and successively playing) ), the pitch (A3200Hz and A5880Hz) and the timbre (piano and organ) information constantly changing.3) standard Chinese speech test material contains 10 double syllabic words and 10 statement tables through phoneme balance. The double syllable thesaurus listens to unprocessed sounds through 8 NH subjects and 10 NH subjects listen to simulated four channel cochlear spines. The statement was verified by 8 NH subjects listening to untreated speech and 12 NH subjects listening to simulated four channel cochlear stimulation. Meanwhile, the correlation between the double syllable recognition performance of the simulated four channel cochlear stimulation by the NH subjects and the expression of sentence recognition was analyzed.
Results: 1) the speech recognition of CI children in Mandarin was good. The average identification of double syllable words and sentences for pre lingual deaf children was 82.3% and 82.3% for 82.8%. post deafness CI children's double syllable words and statements were 76.6% and 84.4%. respectively for CI children with pre lingual hearing loss. Multiple linear regression analysis showed people The age of cochlear implantation can predict the expression of double syllable word recognition; the age of cochlear implantation age and speech recognition test can predict the expression of sentence recognition. For children with post deafness CI, both the age of cochlear implantation and the age of speech recognition test can not predict the double syllable words and the expression of sentence recognition.CI. The speech recognition of the female speaker was better than that of the male speaker (p0.001).2) the average MCI performance of the NH subjects in the different test groups was good (the average recognition rate of the test group without masking was 96.6%; the average recognition rate of the different masking test groups reached 96%) the average identification of the.CI users in the test group without masking. The rate was 61% (37% to 97.2%); the average recognition rate of the masking test group was 47.9% (8.4% to 97.2%). The.NH recipient was obviously better than the CI user (p0.001). For CI users, the non masking test group identified the better performance of the test group (p=0.025).3) in the double syllable vocabulary and language. In the verifying of the sentence table, there was no significant difference in the recognition performance between the unprocessed and simulated four channel cochlear stimuli, and there was a wired relationship between the double syllable recognition performance of the simulated four channel cochlear stimulation and the statement recognition performance.
Conclusion: CI users perform well in difficult speech recognition, but there are still difficulties in musical recognition, especially music with competitive masking, whose recognition is poor. Because the cochlear device provides limited frequency domain resolution, some CI users can use or synthesize time, pitch, and / or tone information to perform competitive music. The separation and group recognition of the melodic contour; most CI users can't take advantage of this information. The open set speech test method helps the CI user's speech recognition performance evaluation, but still needs the standard test material suitable for CI users. After strict phoneme balance and frequency domain impaired speech verification, standard Chinese is common. Speech and speech test materials can be used for speech recognition assessment of hearing impaired people and CI users.
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