发布时间:2018-02-23 02:54
本文关键词: 戊型肝炎病毒抗体 人乳头状瘤病毒抗体 酶链免疫吸附试验 危险因素 出处:《重庆医科大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:目的: 1.调查目标地区女性人乳头瘤病毒抗体(HPV L1-IgG)与戊型肝炎病毒抗体(HEV-IgG)分布情况与危险因素。 2.初步评价HEV疫苗作为HPV疫苗对照的可行性。 方法: 研究对象为低成本子宫颈癌分子技术筛查方法项目人群,基线时使用HPV/VIA/VILI筛查,上述检测任一阳性和10%阴性召回进行阴道镜检查的妇女,以及10%阴性没有召回阴道镜检查的妇女,合计952例。收集静脉血检测HPV与HEV相关抗体,了解该人群HPV与HEV抗体的分布情况与相关程度。 通过调查问卷收集该人群的一般人口学特征和可能的危险因素信息,用χ2检验进行单因素分析,有统计学意义的因素再进一步行多因素Logistic回归分析,以分析HPV与HEV抗体的危险因素,并同时比较两种抗体之间是否存在相同的危险因素。 结果: 研究人群的平均年龄为47.2岁,平均工龄24.0年,年收入均数为5210.2元,农民比例为85.8%,低收入人群比例为44.5%。952名研究对象中,HPV L1-IgG阳性率为26.8%,HEV-IgG阳性率为30.9%,HPVL1-IgG与HEV-IgG的表达水平基本随年龄增长而升高,且有统计学意义(P<0.05)。HPV L1-IgG与HEV-IgG的表达相互独立(Kappa=-0.010,P=0.749),在HPV L1-IgG与HEV-IgG抗体阳性组与阴性组中,年龄与初次性生活年龄的分布差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。 单因素分析结果显示:工作年限(以30年为界),初潮年龄(以13岁为界),有无接受教育在HPV L1-IgG阴阳性组中分布差异有统计学意义(P0.05);工作年限(以30年为界),低收入人群,有无接受教育在HEV-IgG阴阳性组中分布差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。多因素分析结果显示:年龄[OR=1.022,95%CI(1.001-1.043)]、初次性生活年龄[OR=0.923,95%CI(0.861-0.990)]、是否接受过教育[OR=1.587,95%CI(1.065-2.365)]为HPV L1-IgG阳性的影响因素;年龄[OR=1.050,95%CI(1.031-1.069)]、是否为低收入人群[OR=1.341,95%CI(1.004-1.790)]、是否为农民[OR=0.604,95%CI(0.402-0.906)]为HEV-IgG阳性的影响因素。 结论: 1.新密地区女性人群HEV-IgG的阳性率高于以往研究,并随年龄增长而升高。 2. HEV-IgG与HPV L1-IgG的抗体未见相关性;年龄是HEV-IgG与HPV L1-IgG抗体的共同危险因素;HEV-IgG与HPV L1-IgG抗体无其他共同危险因素。
[Abstract]:Objective:. 1. To investigate the distribution and risk factors of HPV-L1-IgG and HEV-IgG in the target areas. 2. To evaluate the feasibility of HEV vaccine as HPV vaccine control. Methods:. The subjects of the study were a group of low-cost molecular screening methods for cervical cancer using HPV/VIA/VILI screening at baseline, and any of the above positive and 10% negative women recalled for colposcopy. And 10% negative women who did not recall colposcopy, totally 952 cases, collected venous blood to detect HPV and HEV related antibodies, to understand the distribution and correlation of HPV and HEV antibodies in this population. The general demographic characteristics and possible risk factors of the population were collected by questionnaire, and univariate analysis was carried out with 蠂 2 test. The statistically significant factors were further analyzed by multivariate Logistic regression analysis. To analyze the risk factors of HPV and HEV antibodies, and to compare whether the same risk factors exist between the two antibodies. Results:. The average age was 47.2 years, the average working life was 24.0 years, and the average annual income was 5210.2 yuan. The proportion of farmers was 85.8 and the proportion of low-income population was 44.5. 952 subjects. The positive rate of HPVL1-IgG was 26.8HPVL1-IgG. The positive rate of HPVL1-IgG and HEV-IgG increased with age. The expression of HPVL1-IgG and HPVL1-IgG was independent of HPV L1-IgG and HEV-IgG. The distribution of age and age of first sexual life was significantly different between the positive group of HPV L1-IgG and HEV-IgG antibody and the negative group (P 0.05). The results of univariate analysis showed that there were significant differences in the number of years of work (30 years as boundary, menarche age (13 years of age), and the distribution of education in HPV L1-IgG negative and positive group (P 0.05), working life (30 years as boundary, low income group). The results of multivariate analysis showed that age [OR1. 022 + 95 CIQ 1.001-1.043], first sexual life age [OR0.923 + 95CII 0.861-0.990], education [OR1.58795CI1.065-2.365] were the influential factors of HPV L1-IgG positive. Age [ORX 1.050 + 95 CI 1.031-1.069], low income group (OR1.341CII 1.004-1.790), farmers [ORO0.60495CII 0.402-0.906] were influential factors of HEV-IgG positive. Conclusion:. 1. The positive rate of HEV-IgG in female population in Xinmi area was higher than that in previous studies and increased with age. 2. There was no correlation between HEV-IgG and HPV L1-IgG antibody, age was the common risk factor of HEV-IgG and HPV L1-IgG antibody. There was no other common risk factor between HEV-IgG and HPV L1-IgG antibody.
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