发布时间:2018-04-29 17:24
本文选题:肝硬化 + Child-Pugh评分 ; 参考:《南方医科大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:研究背景: 中国是乙型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis B Virus, HBV)感染高发地区,2006年全国乙肝流行病学调查表明,我国一般人群乙肝表面抗原(HBsAg)携带率为7.18%,据此推算我国现有慢性HBV感染者约9300万人,其中慢性乙型肝炎(Chronic hepatitis B, CHB)患者约2000万例,每年因HBV导致的肝硬化和肝癌死亡患者约30万例。慢性乙型肝炎是我国当今及今后相当长时间里危害人民健康、阻碍社会发展的重要因素,亦是目前需要优先解决的一个重大健康问题。 HBV具有泛嗜性,除了导致慢性肝炎、肝硬化、肝癌等肝脏损害外,还可以通过免疫介导机制影响肾脏滤过功能,HBV相关的肾小球疾病是慢性乙型肝炎患者出现终末期肾病及肾脏替代治疗的重要原因。尤其对于HBV相关的肝硬化患者,伴随全身血流动力学改变出现的肾脏功能性损害会进一步加剧肾小球滤过率下降,形成肝肾综合征,增加患者死亡率。随着我国经济的发展,越来越多的慢性乙型肝炎患者可通过接受抗乙肝病毒治疗抑制HBV复制,减少肝脏损伤,延缓终末期肝病。 慢性乙型肝炎的抗病毒治疗药物可分为具有免疫调节作用的干扰素和直接抗病毒治疗的核苷类似物两大类。由于干扰素治疗应答率低、副作用多、给药途径不便、价格高昂,越来越多的患者均选择病毒抑制作用强、给药途径方便的核苷(酸)类似物。由于抗病毒药物难以彻底清除患者肝细胞内的cccDNA,因此慢性乙型肝炎患者需要长期抗病毒治疗以控制病毒数量、减少肝细胞损伤、延缓疾病进展。长期治疗过程中药物的有效性和安全性是需要重点关注的问题,而肾脏安全性是受关注的焦点问题。目前我国批准用于临床的口服抗病毒药物仅5种,即拉米夫定(lamivudine, LAM)、阿德福韦酯(adefovir, ADV)、替比夫定(telbivudine, LdT)、恩替卡韦(entecavir, ETV)、替诺福韦酯(Tenofovir,TDF),既往有关LAM、ADV、ETV、TDF的临床研究均有报道其可致肾小球滤过率下降,尤其是ADV存在明确剂量相关的肾毒性,有报道称LdT可能改善患者肾功能,但其作用机制尚未明确。因此评估慢性HBV感染者的肾功能,尤其是了解患者抗病毒治疗前的基础肾功能状况,对于临床医生合理选择抗病毒药物有重要价值。特别是HBV相关肝硬化患者往往需要长期抗病毒治疗甚至是终身用药,肾脏安全性问题更加凸显,针对这类患者更需要在了解肾功能的基础上谨慎选择抗病毒药物并加强治疗过程中肾功能的监测。 目前评价肾脏滤过功能的指标繁多,包括肌酐、尿素氮、菊粉清除率、外源放射性物质清除率、基于24小时尿标本法的肌酐清除率及依赖患者临床资料的肾小球滤过率(glomerular filtration rate, GFR)估算公式,其中利用估算方程进行GFR的测定为肾功能的评价提供了简便、可靠的估算手段,是目前评定肾脏功能最常用的指标之一。 上世纪80年代以来,eGFR相关流行病学调查大量涌现,但目前该调查人群仅局限于普通人群或慢性肾脏病(chronic kidney disease, CKD)高危人群,在特殊人群(如慢性HBV感染相关肝硬化患者)中的相关调查数据相对不足。查阅既往文献,仅Deterding K等在慢性HBV感染患者中进行了肾功能流行病学相关的研究,该研究是由24个欧洲肝脏疾病研究中心共同参与的Virgil队列研究,由381名初治的CHB患者组成,其估算肾小球滤过率(estimated glomerular filtration rate, eGFR)50ml/min和50~80ml/min的患者分别占4%和15%,而在国内尚无HBV相关成年初治肝硬化患者eGFR分布情况的报道,本研究首次回顾性分析了2011.01.01~2011.12.31就诊于南方医院肝病中心的HBV相关成年初治肝硬化患者临床资料,旨在评估目标人群中肾功能受损(eGFR60ml/min/1.73m2)的发生率,同时分析影响肾功能的危险因素,以更好的指导后期临床用药和监测肾脏安全性。 研究目的: 1评估慢性HBV感染相关成人初治肝硬化患者肾功能受损的发生率; 2探讨影响慢性HBV感染相关成人初治肝硬化患者肾功能受损发生的危险因素。 研究方法: 1样本来源 本研究样本来自2011.01.01~2011.12.31于广州南方医院肝病中心住院治疗的HBV感染相关成人初治肝硬化患者。所有纳入患者需年满18周岁,根据患者既往病史、入院时症状、体征、上腹部B超及其它实验室检查,诊断为CHB、肝硬化,其中CHB及肝硬化诊断标准参见2010版《慢性乙型肝炎防治指南》,且要求患者既往未接受任何抗HBV治疗。根据上述纳入标准,本调查共收录慢性HBV感染相关成人初治肝硬化患者860人,对于反复入院的患者,收录该患者资料最完整的一次,若资料均完整,则保留患者最近一次就诊的资料;排除患者资料不齐者;排除既往慢性肾损害病史患者;排除合并其它可致肝硬化的肝脏疾病(包括酒精性肝病、Wilson's病、肝吸虫病、合并其它肝炎病毒感染)患者;排除既往行抗HBV治疗的患者,共296名患者纳入最后分析。 2基本资料收集 本研究按照设定的肾功能调查表收集资料,基本资料包括一般人口学资料(姓名、性别、年龄、国籍),既往疾病史(既往是否行抗HBV治疗、治疗方法及治疗时间,慢性肾脏病史,近期服用肾功能损害药物史,高血压病、糖尿病、高尿酸血症、肾结石、肾囊肿等已知致eGFR下降的相关危险因素),其中高血压病、糖尿病主要根据患者既往病史、是否使用降压药物或降糖药及入院诊断进行判定;肾结石、肾囊肿主要根据患者既往病史、入院时肾脏B超及入院诊断判定;高尿酸血症主要根据患者既往病史、入院时肾功能检测及入院诊断进行判断。 3肝脏相关检测指标 收集入院时患者肝功能、HBVDNA定量、HBV血清学标志物检测结果、凝血酶原时间(PT)、上腹部B超及肝性脑病等资料,并根据Child-Pugh分级标准(总胆红素、白蛋白、PTs、腹水、肝性脑病)对患者进行分级,其中5-6分为A级,7-9分为B级,≥10分为C级。其中肝功能检测应用比色法、HBVDNA定量检测采用荧光定量PCR检测法、HBV血清学标志物应用ELISA法分别进行测定。肝性脑病根据患者入院时病历资料进行判定,腹水根据入院时上腹部B超进行判定。 4肾脏相关检测指标 收集患者入院时肌酐、尿素氮,其检测运用Jaffe法,检测仪器为C501,根据美国肾脏病基金会组织推荐的MDRD公式进行GFR估算: eGFR(ml/min/1.73m2)=170*(血肌酐)-0.999*(年龄)-0.176*(0.762女性)*(尿素氮)-0.170*(白蛋白)0318 其中,血肌酐的单位为mg/dL,尿素氮的单位为mg/dL,白蛋白的单位为g/dL,将eGFR60ml/min/1.73m2定义为肾功能受损。 5统计分析 所有数据由专人录入计算机,应用SPSS19.0统计软件(version19.0, SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL)进行分析,符合正态分布且具有方差齐性的计量资料采用均数±标准差表示,不符合正态分布或方差不齐的计量资料采用中位数(最小值,最大值)表示,计量资料比较采用单因素方差分析及非参数秩和检验分析(Kruskal-Wallis H检验),计数资料比较采用X2检验。肾功能受损危险因素的分析采用多因素logistic回归分析,P0.05时认为差异具有统计学意义。 结果: 1纳入患者的人口学资料 根据本项调查的入选标准,共计296名患者纳入分析,平均年龄为(49.01±11.98)岁,其中男性258名,占87.16%(258/296)。人群高血压患病率7.77%(23/96),糖尿病患病率8.78%(26/296),肾囊肿患病率为12.84%(38/96),肾结石患病率为11.15%(33/296),高尿酸血症患病率为2.03%(6/296)。对296名患者应用Child-Pugh分级标准进行分级,分布于Child-PughA级、Child-Pugh B级和Child-Pugh C级的患者数分别为92(31.08%)、105(35.47%)和99(33.45%)。不同Child-Pugh分组的患者年龄、性别、HBV DNA、 HBeAg状态分布均无统计学差异(P≥0.05)。 2肾脏损害相关指标 2.1肾功能受损的发生率296名分析人群中,25名出现肾功能受损,肾功能受损发生率为8.45%(25/296)。 2.2不同Child-Pugh分级的患者肾功能受损发生率不同Child-Pugh分级患者中肾功能受损发生率不同,Child-Pugh A级为1.09%(1/92),Child-Pugh B级为6.67%(7/105),Child-Pugh C级为17.17%(17/99),各组间差异具有统计学意义(X2=16.621,P0.001)。Spearman秩相关分析结果提示,随着Child-Pugh分级的增高,肾功能受损患者比例显著增加(rs=-0.234,P0.001)。 3肾功能受损相关的危险因素 将年龄、性别、高血压、糖尿病、高尿酸血症、肾囊肿、肾结石、]HBV DNA、 HBeAg阳性、Child-Pugh分级纳入单因素logistic回归分析,结果提示年龄、高血压、糖尿病、高尿酸血症、Child-Pugh分级与肾功能受损相关;行多因素logistic回归分析,结果提示年龄(OR=1.073,P0.001)、高尿酸血症(OR=9.047,P=0.034)、Child-Pugh分级(OR=3.939,P=0.001)与肾功能受损具有独立相关性。 4不同Child-Pugh分级的患者肌酐分布情况 患者平均肌酐水平在不同Child-Pugh分级的患者中无明显差别,在Child A级,Child B级、Child C级患者中分别为70μmol/L (37-180μmol/L)、66μmol/L (31~201μmol/L)、69μmol/L (38-406μmol/L),经非参数K-W检验,无统计学差异(P=0.165)。 结论: 1.HBV感染相关成人初治肝硬化患者中,肾功能受损发生率高,证明在初治肝硬化人群中,部分患者已开始出现隐匿性肾脏损伤,需引起肝病医生足够的重视。 2.年龄、高尿酸血症、Child-Pugh分级为肾功能受损的独立危险因素,此研究结果提示高龄、高Child-Pugh评分、伴有高尿酸血症的患者在接受抗病毒治疗前需重视肾功能评估,谨慎选择抗病毒用药。 3.随着肝功能的恶化,在不同Child-Pugh分级患者中,血肌酐值无明显差异,而eGFR逐步下降,提示在此类患者中,除了监测肌酐水平,更应该将具备更高灵敏度的eGFR纳入。肾功能的常规评估指标,以指导患者用药和监测肾脏安全性。
[Abstract]:Background of Study :
Hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) infection in China is a high incidence area . In 2006 , hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) infection in China showed that the carrier rate of hepatitis B surface antigen ( HBsAg ) in our country was 7.18 % . According to the results , about 9 million people were infected with chronic hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) .
In addition to liver damage such as chronic hepatitis , liver cirrhosis and liver cancer , the renal functional damage associated with HBV can further increase glomerular filtration rate , form hepatorenal syndrome and increase patient mortality . With the development of our economy , more and more patients with chronic hepatitis B can inhibit HBV replication by receiving anti - HBV treatment , reduce liver injury and delay stage - stage liver disease .
Because of low response rate , multiple side effects , inconvenient administration route , high price , and more and more patients , it is important to study the renal function of patients with chronic HBV infection , especially for patients with HBV related cirrhosis .
At present , the indexes of glomerular filtration rate ( GFR ) , including creatinine , urea nitrogen , inulin clearance , exogenous radioactive material clearance , creatinine clearance rate and glomerular filtration rate ( GFR ) based on the clinical data of the patient , are estimated by using the estimation equation .
The study was conducted by 381 patients with chronic HBV infection . The study was conducted by 381 patients with chronic HBV infection . The study was conducted by 381 patients with chronic HBV infection . The study was conducted by 381 patients with chronic HBV infection . The study was conducted in the study of the incidence of renal function impairment ( eGFR60ml / min / 1.73m2 ) in the target population .
Purpose of study :
2 Basic data collection
Objective To investigate the risk factors of renal impairment in patients with cirrhosis associated with chronic HBV infection .
Study method :
1 Sample Source
The samples from this study were from 2011 . 01 - 2011.12 . 31 Patients with liver cirrhosis related to HBV infection in the central hospital of the Southern Hospital of Guangzhou . All patients who were included in the study were 18 years old and were examined by B - ultrasound and other laboratory tests on the basis of previous medical history , hospital admission , symptoms , signs , upper abdomen B - ultrasound and other laboratory tests . According to the above - mentioned inclusion criteria , the survey co - recorded 860 patients with cirrhosis of liver cirrhosis related to chronic HBV infection . According to the above - mentioned inclusion criteria , this investigation included the most complete data of the patient ' s data in the patients with repeated admission , and if the data is complete , the patient ' s last medical treatment information is retained ;
Exclusion of patient information ;
Patients with past history of chronic renal impairment were excluded ;
Excluding patients with other hepatic disorders ( including alcoholic liver disease , Wilson ' s disease , liver - borne disease , and other hepatitis virus infection ) combined with other liver cirrhosis ;
A total of 296 patients were included in the final analysis excluding patients who had previously performed anti - HBV treatment .
1 . To assess the incidence of renal impairment in patients with cirrhosis associated with chronic HBV infection ;
The study collected data according to the established renal function questionnaire including general demographic information ( name , gender , age , nationality ) , history of previous disease ( whether prior to previous anti - HBV therapy , treatment methods and treatment time , history of chronic kidney disease , recent administration of renal impairment medication history , hypertension , diabetes , hyperuraemia , renal calculus , renal cyst , etc . ) , among which hypertension , diabetes is mainly based on the past medical history of the patient , whether to use antihypertensive drugs or hypoglycemic drugs and admission diagnosis ;
Renal calculus , renal cyst mainly based on the past medical history of the patient , admission time kidney B ultrasound and admission diagnosis decision ;
Hyperuricaemia is mainly based on the past medical history of the patient , the renal function test at admission , and the diagnosis of admission .
3 Liver - related detection indexes
The liver function , HBV DNA quantification , HBV serological marker detection results , prothrombin time ( PT ) , upper abdominal B - ultrasound and hepatic encephalopathy were collected at the time of admission , and 5 - 6 were classified as grade A , 7 - 9 were classified as grade B and 鈮,