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发布时间:2018-05-10 20:38

  本文选题:右下腹部 + 腺性 ; 参考:《临床放射学杂志》2015年08期

【摘要】:正患者男,20岁。下腹部绞痛3 h入院。患者缘于3 h前无明显诱因出现下腹部疼痛,为持续性绞痛,恶心、呕吐数次,为胃内容物,无咖啡样物质,疼痛不能忍受,无放射痛,无反酸、嗳气。体检:脐周及右下腹部压痛明显,以脐右侧为著,无反跳痛,无腹肌紧张,未扪及明显包块,听诊肠鸣音8次/min,未闻及气过水声及高亢肠鸣音。急诊腹部X线片:腹部立位平片未见明显异常(图1)。腹部B超:下腹部实性占位,考虑来源于
[Abstract]:The patient is 20 years old. Patients with lower abdominal colic were admitted to hospital for 3 hours. There was no obvious cause of lower abdominal pain 3 hours ago, which included persistent colic, nausea, vomiting several times, stomach contents, no coffee-like substance, intolerable pain, no radiation pain, no acid regurgitation, belching. Physical examination: the tenderness of periumbilical and right lower abdomen was obvious. There was no rebound pain, no abdominal muscle tension, no palpation, 8 / min auscultation, no overbreath and hyperactivity. Emergency abdominal X-ray: there was no obvious abnormality in abdominal plain film (Fig. 1). Abdominal B-mode ultrasound: solid space occupying the lower abdomen, taking into account the origin of the
【作者单位】: 解放军第二十二医院放射科;解放军第二十二医院普通外科;解放军第二十二医院检验病理科;


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