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发布时间:2018-06-02 05:59

  本文选题:急性胰腺炎 + 和肽素 ; 参考:《实用医学杂志》2015年16期

[Abstract]:Objective: to observe the changes of serum peptide concentration in patients with acute pancreatitis (AP), and to explore the role of heparin in the diagnosis and prognosis of acute pancreatitis (AP). Methods Sixty-three patients with AP were enrolled, including 35 cases of mild acute pancreatitis (AP) and 28 cases of severe acute pancreatitis (SAP). The blood samples and peptide concentration were measured on the 2nd day after admission, and the clinical mortality and the incidence of local complications were collected and analyzed. The concentrations of serum and peptide in 30 healthy subjects were used as control. Results the serum and peptide concentrations in patients with AP(P0.05).SAP were significantly higher than those in normal controls. The levels of serum and peptide in patients with AP(P0.05).SAP were significantly higher than those in patients with AP(P0.05).SAP at the same time. There was a positive correlation between the concentration of serum and peptide and the mortality and local complications of patients with AP. Conclusion: the level of propeptide increased significantly in the early stage of MAP and was closely related to the severity of the disease. It can be used as a serological index for early diagnosis and prognosis of AP.
【作者单位】: 广东省开平市中心医院急诊科;中山大学附属第三医院胃肠外科;


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