[Abstract]:Objective: to retrospectively analyze the clinical data of pancreatic diseases (acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer), study their glucose metabolism disorders and clinical characteristics, and further guide clinical treatment. methods: 76 patients with pancreatic diseases admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Southern Anhui Medical College from January 2012 to December 2014 were collected. Mild acute pancreatitis (MAP), 46 moderately severe acute pancreatitis (MSAP), 27 severe acute pancreatitis (SAP), 28 chronic pancreatitis (CP), and 157 pancreatic carcinoma (PC). The general conditions, clinical manifestations, blood glucose levels of each group were summarized. Results: The average age of 76 patients with MAP was 53.2 years old, with cholecystolithiasis or choledocholithiasis or both accounting for 65.8%; abdominal pain 100%; nausea and vomiting 82.9%; low back radiation pain 40.8%; admission fasting blood glucose 7.87 mmol/L, average blood glucose 7.25 mmol/L during hospitalization, before discharge The average blood glucose was 6.29 mmol/L, and the average leukocyte count was 11.0*1012/L on admission; 13.2% of the patients with hypocalcemia; no hypoalbuminemia, no local complications and systemic complications; 46 patients with MSAP, with an average age of 51.4 years, with cholecystolithiasis or choledocholithiasis or both accounted for 58.7%; 100% with abdominal pain; and 100% with nausea; Vomiting accounted for 91.3%; low back radiation pain accounted for 43.5%; blood glucose was 9.58 mmol/L, 7.69mmol/L, 7.14 mmol/L, and the average white blood cell was 13.5*1012/L; hypocalcemia accounted for 13.0%; hypoalbuminemia accounted for 47.8%; pseudocyst accounted for 13.0%; hydrothorax and ascites accounted for 84.8%; no and no leukocyte. Pancreatic abscess; acute lung injury (ALl) / acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) accounted for 2.2%; acute renal failure (ARF) accounted for 2.2%; 27 SAP patients, average age 51.1 years, with gallstones or common bile duct stones or both About 44.4%; abdominal pain accounted for 100%; nausea and vomiting accounted for 96.3%; low back radiation pain accounted for 59.3%; the blood glucose indexes were 11.8 mmol/L, 9.63 mmol/L, 8.98 mmol/L, and the average leukocyte count was 15.5*1012/L; hypocalcemia accounted for 29.6%; hypoalbuminemia accounted for 88.9%; and pseudocyst accounted for 63.9%. Among the 28 CP patients, the average age was 61.1 years old, the drinking history was 39.3%, the history of biliary diseases was 39.3%, the AP history was 25%, the abdominal pain was 78.6%, the diarrhea patients was 17.9%, and the emaciation patients were about 17.9%. 10.7%; 10.7%; 10.7%; 3.6% of the patients with postprandial fullness, 39.3% of the patients with fasting blood glucose higher than 6.1 mmol/L, and 6.157 patients with diabetes mellitus were PC patients. The average age of onset was 64.1 years old, 82% of the patients with abdominal pain, 87.2% of the patients with emaciation, 36.9% of the patients with jaundice, 3% of the patients with massive ascites, and 6% of the patients with diarrhea. The average fasting blood glucose was 9.12 mmol/L in patients with diabetes history, 6.00 mmol/L in patients without diabetes history, 16 patients with diabetes history less than 3 years, 14 patients with more than 3 years or unknown disease history, 80.9% patients with metastasis, 19.1% patients without metastasis, 64.3% patients with pancreatic head cancer and 64.3% patients with pancreatic body and tail cancer. Conclusion: 1. The abnormal increase of blood glucose during AP can reflect the severity of the disease to a certain extent; 2. Gallstone or choledocholithiasis is the main cause of AP; Abdominal pain is the most common clinical manifestation; Systemic complications often occur during SAP; 3. With the progress of the disease, abnormal glucose tolerance and diabetes mellitus may occur in the later stage of CP; 4. Abdominal pain is the most common cause of AP. The most prominent symptoms of CP can also appear diarrhea, poor appetite, emaciation and other clinical manifestations; 5, new-onset diabetes contributes to the early diagnosis of PC; 6, PC occurs in elderly patients, can have abdominal pain, diarrhea, emaciation, jaundice and other manifestations, and metastasis early.
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