The correlation between T helper type 17 cells and clinicalc
The correlation between T helper type 17 cells and clinicalcharacters in Chinese paediatric patients with chronic hepatitis B
Yanwei Zhong Shishu Zhong Hongfei Zhang Yi Dong Zhiqiang Xu Dawei Chen Limin Wang Yu Gan Fuchuan Wang Zhibin Li
【摘要】:正Interleukin7(IL) -17-mediated immune response has been shown to play a critical role in inflammation-associated disease.However,its role in the pathogenesis of chronic hepatitis B virus(HBV) in paediatric patients remains unknown.We investigated the frequency of T helper type 17(Thl7) cells and evaluated the asso-
【作者单位】:Paediatric Liver Disease Therapy and Research Center,302 Hospital
Interleukin7(IL)一17一mediated immune response has been shown to play a eritieal role in inflammation一as- soeiated disease.However,,its role in the pathogenesis of ehronie hepatitis B virus(HBV)in paediatrie pa- tients remains unknown,We invesri邵ted t
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