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发布时间:2019-05-11 19:06
【摘要】:目的 原发性胆汁性肝硬化(primary biliary cirrhosis, PBC)是一种由自身免疫系统介导的肝内胆管慢性进行性非化脓性炎症性疾病,以胆汁淤积和肝纤维化为主要病理变化,其最终进展为肝硬化及肝衰竭。近年来随着医学技术的不断提高,人们对该病的探究也不断加深,PBC的诊断病例和报道逐渐增多。但是该病的病因及病理机制至今还未阐明,目前该病治疗尚无特效治疗方案,国内外现采用疗效确切的熊去氧胆酸(UDCA)为主的综合治疗。在自身免疫性疾病及抗肝纤维化方面,中药治疗已得到临床研究的广泛认可,因此为提高对该病的治疗效果,我们采用疏肝解毒化痰通络方联合UDCA治疗,通过与单服UDCA患者进行对比,观察中西结合治疗原发性胆汁性肝硬化的临床疗效。 方法 研究对象是在2010年12月到2013年2月间在湖北省中医院肝病科门诊及住院部就诊的该病患者,依照2009年欧洲肝脏疾病学会胆汁淤积性肝脏疾病PBC的诊断,结合中医诊断标准并按照相应的排除标准及纳入标准,共有40例患者,将这些患者按照随机数字方式分为对照组(n=20)和实验组(n=20),前者给予单一UDCA口服治疗,50mg/片,一次五片,一天三次;后者予以服用UDCA的同时,配以相应疏肝解毒化痰通络方治疗。观察经过上述各自治疗后4、12、24、48周后患者在主要症状、体征及生化指标的改变。将上述收集到的数据变化通过SPSS13.0软件系统行t检验和卡方检验分析,并通过Child-Pugh分级评分对两者治疗的有效率进行比较。 结果 (1)在症状缓解及体征变化上,治疗后两组患者的症状及体征均有改善,但是在第4周时实验组患者的主要症状评分低于对照组,二者有明显差异(P 0.05),到第48周时对照组仍有15%患者伴随有症状,而实验组伴随症状已消失; (2)两组患者主要生化指标与治疗前相比均有显著的改善,第12、24周时实验组的ALT、AST、ALP、TBIL指标改善更为明显,两组有显著差异(P 0.05),在第48周时,90%以上的实验组患者生化指标在正常参考值内波动,相比之下,仍有10%对照组患者GGT、ALP未降到正常值之下; (3)在免疫指标上,在两组患者中IgG、IgA、IgM与治疗前相比较明显改善(P 0.05),且实验组IgM改善较对照组明显,,两者差异明显(P0.05); (4)在肝纤维化指标上,实验组的HA、III型前胶原、IV型胶原与对照组相比较具有统计学差异(P 0.05)。 (5)使用Child-Pugh分级标准将所有患者进行评估分级,发现实验组中A级病例数与治疗前改变明显(P 0.05),而对照组无明显改变。 结论 (1)UDCA能够显著改善患者实验室生化及免疫指标,并且联合疏肝解毒化痰通络方治疗后可以使生化指标改善更为显著;(2)UDCA联合疏肝解毒化痰通络方较单服UDCA在改善患者症状及体征上优势明显;(3)疏肝解毒化痰通络方与UDCA联合使用可以弥补后者的不足,提高疗效,应当在临床上进行更广泛的研究和应用。
[Abstract]:Objective Primary biliary cirrhosis (primary biliary cirrhosis, PBC) is a chronic progressive non-suppurative inflammatory disease of the intrahepatic bile duct mediated by the autoimmune system. Cholestasis and hepatic fibrosis are the main pathological changes. The final progress is liver cirrhosis and liver failure. In recent years, with the continuous improvement of medical technology, people's research on the disease is deepening, and the number of cases and reports of PBC diagnosis is gradually increasing. However, the etiology and pathological mechanism of the disease have not yet been clarified. At present, there is no special therapeutic plan for the treatment of the disease. Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) is used as the main treatment at home and abroad. In the aspects of autoimmune diseases and anti-hepatic fibrosis, traditional Chinese medicine has been widely recognized in clinical research. Therefore, in order to improve the therapeutic effect of this disease, we adopted the combination of soothing liver, detoxifying, resolving phlegm and clearing collateral prescription combined with UDCA. To observe the clinical effect of combination of Chinese and Western medicine in the treatment of primary bile cirrhosis by comparing with patients with UDCA alone. Methods from December 2010 to February 2013, the patients were treated in the out-patient department and in-patient department of traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Hubei Province. According to the diagnosis of cholestatic liver disease (PBC) of the European Society of liver Diseases in 2009, the patients were diagnosed as cholestatic liver disease. Combined with the diagnostic criteria of traditional Chinese medicine and according to the corresponding exclusion criteria and inclusion criteria, a total of 40 patients were randomly divided into control group (n 鈮




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