发布时间:2018-06-13 13:50
本文选题:围绝经期 + KI量表 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:目的: 了解蒙、汉族围绝经期妇女健康和生存质量状况,探讨其影响因素,为政府和相关部门制定妇女保健决策提供理论依据;提出改善和提高蒙、汉族围绝经期妇女健康状况和生存质量的对策。 方法: 选择内蒙古通辽市蒙、汉族40~60岁妇女为研究对象,采用分层随机抽样法,在城市、旗所在地和农村抽取,蒙、汉族妇女各300人,共600人。进行一对一问卷调查,收集资料。所用问卷包括:调查对象的一般资料、改良后的KI量表、WHOQOL-BREF简表中文版。采用SPSS17.0统计软件分析,主要进行描述性分析;计量资料比较采用t检验,计数资料组间比较采用卡方检验;进行方差分析或秩和检验、多元线性逐步回归分析。 结果: 共发放问卷600份,收回有效问卷600份,有效率100%。 1.初潮年龄和绝经年龄 蒙、汉族围绝经期妇女整体平均初潮时间为15.79±1.58岁,平均自然绝经年龄:49.69±3.17岁。蒙、汉族围绝经期妇女初潮年龄与绝经年龄均无相关性(R=0.151,P=0.176;R=0.176,P=0.094)。蒙古族妇女平均初潮年龄为15.90±1.56岁,平均绝经年龄为49.67±3.49岁;汉族妇女平均初潮年龄为15.68±1.60岁,平均绝经年龄49.71±2.87岁;两民族间无差异(P>0.05)。蒙、汉族围绝经期妇女初潮年龄与绝经年龄与其它地区和民族间有差异,同一民族不同地区亦有差异。 2.围绝经期知识知晓率及HRT使用率 蒙、汉族围绝经期妇女整体围绝经期相关知识知晓率为67.7%,HRT知晓率为20.7%,使用率为2.0%。两民族间围绝经期名词和知识知晓率有差异(P<0.01),蒙古族围绝经期妇女低于汉族围绝经期妇女。HRT知晓率和使用率两民族间无差异(P>0.05)。 3.蒙、汉族妇女围绝经期健康状况 蒙、汉族围绝经期妇女整体KI量表总分平均为13.61±9.05,处于较低水平。绝经综合征发生率为77.3%,,围绝经期症状发生率前五位依次为:易激动,疲乏,失眠,肌肉骨关节痛,感觉异常。绝经综合征发生率蒙古族围绝经期妇女为75.3%,汉族围绝经期妇女为79.4%。KI量表总分蒙古族围绝经期妇女平均为13.19±9.05,汉族围绝经期妇女平均为14.03±9.04。两民族间绝经综合征发生率和KI量表总分无差异(P>0.05)。各症状中皮肤蚁走感得分及发生率有显著差异(P<0.01)。KI量表总分与产次、文化程度呈负相关。城市围绝经期妇女KI量表总分显著低于农村围绝经期妇女(P<0.01)。不同年龄组围绝经期妇女KI量表总分有显著差异(P<0.01)。 4.蒙、汉族围绝经期妇女生存质量 蒙、汉族围绝经期妇女整体生存质量各领域得分依次为:生理领域72.12±16.27,心理领域63.92±14.55,社会领域66.97±15.50,环境领域59.41±15.64。生存质量呈中等水平。两民族间心理领域得分有显著差异(P<0.01),蒙古族围绝经期妇女显著高于汉族围绝经期妇女。生存质量各领域主要影响因素为:经济状况、KI量表总分、婚姻状况等。农村围绝经期妇女生存质量各领域得分显著低于城市围绝经期妇女(P<0.01)。不同年龄组生存质量各领域得分均有显著差异(P<0.01)。结论: 通辽市蒙、汉族围绝经期妇女初潮年龄与绝经年龄在同一地区无民族差异,但与其它地区和民族间有差异,同一民族不同地区亦有差异,二者间无相关性。蒙、汉族围绝经期妇女整体绝经综合征发生率高,两民族间无差异;但症状较轻,两民族间有差异。总体生存质量处于中等水平,两民族间有差异。农村围绝经期妇女健康状况和生存质量显著低于城市围绝经期妇女。不同年龄组围绝经期妇女健康状况和生存质量有差异。应开设围绝经期门诊,定期开展宣传、义诊等活动;采取多种方式宣传卫生保健知识,改善围绝经期妇女的知、信、行;加大投入力度继续实施妇女病普查普治;政策支持、增加基层卫生单位的资金投入和人力配置,改善就医环境和就医质量,从而提高少数民族地区妇女的生存质量。
[Abstract]:Purpose :
To understand the quality of women ' s health and quality of life in the peri - menopausal period of Mongolian and Han nationality , discuss the influencing factors , and provide theoretical basis for the government and relevant departments to formulate women ' s health - care decision - making ;
To improve and improve the health status and quality of life of women in the peri - menopausal period of Mongolian and Han nationality .
Method :
A 1 - to - one questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data from 400 to 60 year - old women from Inner Mongolia , Inner Mongolia , Mongolian and Han nationality . A one - to - one questionnaire was used to collect data . The questionnaire used included general data of survey subjects , improved KI scale and Chinese version of WHO QOL - BREF . The SPSS 17.0 statistical software was used to analyze the statistical software .
The comparison of the measurement data is t - test , and the comparison between the counting data groups is checked by the Chi - square ;
Conduct variance analysis or rank sum test , multivariate linear stepwise regression analysis .
Results :
A total of 600 questionnaires were distributed , 600 questionnaires were collected , and the effective rate was 100 % .
1 . Initial age and menopause
There was no correlation between the age of menarche and menopause ( R = 0.151 , P = 0.176 , P = 0.176 , P = 0.176 ) .
R=0.176,P=0.094). The average age of menarche of Mongolian women was 15.90 卤 1.56 years , and the average age was 49.67 卤 3.49 years .
The mean age of menarche of Han women was 15.68 卤 1.60 years , the average age was 49.71 卤 2.87 years .
There was no difference between the two peoples ( P > 0.05 ) . The age of the primary trend of women in the perimenopausal period and the age of menopause were different from those of other regions and nationalities , and there were also differences in the different regions of the same ethnic group .
2 . Knowledge - aware rate and HRT utilization rate in peri - menopausal period
The knowledge rate of women in perimenopausal period was 67.7 % , HRT awareness rate was 20.7 % and usage rate was 2.0 % . There was no difference between the two groups ( P < 0.01 ) . There was no difference between the two groups ( P > 0.05 ) .
3 . Health Status of Menopause of Han Women in Mongolian and Han Nationality
The total score of KI in perimenopausal women was 13.61 卤 9.05 . The incidence of menopausal symptoms was 77.3 % . The incidence of menopausal women was 75.3 % . There was a negative correlation between the incidence of menopausal women and the total score of KI ( P > 0.05 ) . The total score of menopausal women in the menopausal period was significantly lower than that in the peri - menopausal women ( P < 0.01 ) .
4 . Quality of Life of Women in Menopause Period of Mongolian and Han Nationality
There were significant differences in the quality of life of women in the peri - menopausal period ( P < 0.01 ) . There was a significant difference in the quality of life in the rural peri - menopausal women ( P < 0.01 ) . There was a significant difference in the scores of the quality of life in the peri - menopausal period ( P < 0.01 ) . Conclusion :
There is no national difference between the age of menarche and the age of menopause in Mongolian and Han Dynasties , but there is no difference between the two countries . There is no correlation between the two countries .
The quality of women ' s health and quality of life in rural peri - menopausal period are significantly lower than those in peri - menopausal women .
To adopt a variety of ways to promote health care knowledge and improve the knowledge , letter and line of peri - menopausal women ;
Increase investment and continue to implement the general survey on women ' s disease ;
Policy support , increase the fund investment and manpower configuration of grass - roots health units , improve the medical environment and the quality of medical treatment , and thus improve the quality of life of women in ethnic minority areas .
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1 胡艳文;胡曼云;韦e