[Abstract]:Objective to analyze the temporal distribution of monthly morbidity of HFMD in Liuzhou from 2010 to 2016 and to explore the application of seasonal ARIMA model ARIMA-GRNN combined model and XGBoost machine learning model in short-term prediction of HFMD incidence. According to the evaluation model of mae RMSE and MAPE, the most suitable model for predicting the incidence of HFMD in Liuzhou was selected. The method of XGBoost machine learning is applied to the short-term prediction of HFMD, which provides a new idea for accurate prediction of incidence of infectious diseases and provides scientific basis for formulating the prevention and warning strategy of HFMD in Liuzhou. Methods the data of hand-foot-mouth disease from 2010 to 2016 in Liuzhou were collected by Excel and the time distribution characteristics were described by epidemiological method. The monthly morbidity data of hand, foot and mouth disease from 2010 to 2015 were used as training samples, and the monthly incidence data of hand foot and mouth disease in 2016 were used as prediction samples. The seasonal ARIMA model ARIMA-GRNN combined model and XGBoost machine learning prediction model were established. At the same time, the advantages and disadvantages of the model are evaluated. The smaller the value of MAE RMSE and MAPE is, the better the prediction effect of the model is. The seasonal ARIMA time series model is established by using IBM SPSS Statistics 16.0, the ARIMA-GRNN combination prediction model is built on the basis of ARIMA model by Matlab R2014a software, and the XGBoost machine learning model is established by using R version 3.3.3 software. Results (1) the cumulative reported incidence of HFMD in Liuzhou City from 2010 to 2016 was 494.72 / 100 000, 475.26 / 100 000, 618.90 / 100 000, 675.41 / 100 000 / 100000, 852.08 / 100 000 or 7,80.522 / 100 000 or 765.44 / 100, 000 respectively. Among them, 729 cases and 40 cases died of hand, foot and mouth disease in 7 years. The main peak was from April to July, and the second peak was from September to October. (2) the seasonal ARIMA prediction expression of monthly incidence of HFMD in Liuzhou was ARIMA (1 0 0) x (1 1 0) 12. The model parameters AR (1) and SAR (1) were statistically significant (P0. 001), the standardized BIC value was 6. 236, and the residual sequence was white noise. The Mae RMSE MAPE of the training samples was 13.581n 20.4070.38.322, and that of the predicted samples was 11.9629.481k32.689. (3) the best smoothing factor of the ARIMA-GRNN combination forecasting model for HFMD incidence in Liuzhou was 0.030, and the corresponding RMSE value was 4.285. The Mae RMSE MAPE of the training samples was 10.393 / 13.443 / 36.160, and that of the predicted samples was 9.481C / 11.863 / 30.101respectively. (4) the most important predictor of the XGBoost machine learning model for the monthly incidence of HFMD in Liuzhou was lag24, and the corresponding gain value / cover value and the frequency value were 0.5050.1870.093 and 0.5050.1870.093 respectively. The Mae RMSE MAPE of the training samples was 2.106, 5.3112.650, and the predicted mae RMSE MAPE of the training samples was 7.134 and 10.2240.13.253 respectively. Conclusion (1) the epidemic situation of hand, foot and mouth disease in Liuzhou from 2010 to 2016 is severe. The incidence has obvious seasonal characteristics. There is a bimodal trend. (2) ARIMA (1 0 0) x (1 0) 12 model / ARIMA-GRNN combined prediction model and XGBoost machine learning model can be used to fit and predict the monthly incidence of HFMD in Liuzhou. (3) the monthly incidence of HFMD in Liuzhou is predicted by this study. The prediction effect of ARIMA-GRNN combined forecasting model is better than that of product seasonal ARIMA model. The prediction effect of XGBoost machine learning model is better than that of ARIMA model and ARIMA-GRNN combination model.
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