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发布时间:2018-08-16 11:03
【摘要】:目的:了解中小学校供水情况、环境卫生和学生个人卫生知识水平和行为的现状,为学校以及教育主管部门制定有关干预计划或政策提供基线资料。 方法:按照整群随机抽样方法,选择陕西省、广西省、湖南省、安徽省和重庆市的10个县的100所学校为调查现场,完成机构基线调查与学生卫生知识调查。调查数据用EpiData3.1进行录入,同时进行逻辑纠错,使用spss17.0对数据进行整理和分析。对机构调查的数据作统计描述以及学校类型和学校所在地之间的比较;对学生问卷的抽样调查分析涉及统计描述以及学校类型、学校所在地、性别、调查方式和年龄组间的统计推断;对学生问卷的卫生知识和行为部分采用赋值法(正确=1,不正确=0)求得总分,并把总分作为因变量和其他相关的协变量建立Logistic回归模型,探究学校中影响其卫生知识和行为评分的主要因素。统计描述时,对于计量资料,若符合正态分布,用均值(x)反映其集中趋势,用标准差(S)反映其离散趋势;若不符合正态分布,则用中位数(M)反映其集中趋势,用四分位数间距(QL-QL)反映其离散趋势。统计推断对于率的资料采用x2检验,必要时采用Fisher精确概率法,统计分析结果给出检验统计量及其对应的P值,假设检验水准定为α=0.05。 结果:1)学校卫生管理情况:学校大部分的卫生管理工作实施率在80%以上,但是学校学生卫生自我评价的开展率较低,为48.9%。仅有不到一半的学校(42.9%)聘请健康教育老师,12%的学校配置专职的校医(或保健教师)。学校健康教育课覆盖率较高,为95%,但是卫生习惯的形成率却较低。非寄宿学校的大部分卫生管理工作差于寄宿学校,乡村学校的卫生管理工作差于县城学校。 2)学校供水情况:学校对“饮水监督管理”方面的政策熟悉的较多,而对“二次供水卫生规范”和“供水单位卫生规范”熟悉较少。但是在学校类型和学校所在地的比较中未发生学校对供水卫生政策的了解有统计学差异。集中式供水的覆盖率较低,为50.0%,非寄宿制学校和县城学校多采用集中的自来水,而寄宿学校和乡村学校多采用自备水源。学校自备水源周边的防护率为90.9%,但是水源和蓄水池的消毒率均较低,不到一半的学校对水质进行定期检测,在这些学校中仅30.4%的学校有完备的消毒记录。37所学校有二次供水设施,一半以上均无消毒设备,仅有32.4%的学校开展一年二次的水质检测。学校中供学生使用的水龙头总数虽然能达到,但分布在男女厕所的水龙头数较少。调查的学校中有一半的学校的供水设施能得到很好的维护,运行良好。学校管理者认为供水系统不能正常运行的原因主要是系统老化和系统设计不当。 3)学生卫生知识知晓情况:有87%的学生认为学习成绩与卫生知识同样重要;多数学生对卫生知识感兴趣。学生对卫生知识的知晓率较低,特别是对预防腹泻途径的正确认识率只有17.4%,对通过洗手能预防的疾病的正确认识率仅有11%,对“直接喝哪种水不生病”的正确认识率只有36%。在卫生知识的知晓方面县城学生知晓率(%)普遍高于乡村学生知晓率(%,P0.05),女生的知晓率(%)普遍高于男生知晓率(%,P0.05)。对于女生来说,约有57.6%的学生不知道女生的生理期,寄宿学校的女生对生理期的知晓率高于非寄宿学校的女生(P0.05)。县城的女生对女生生理期的知晓率高于乡村的女生(P0.05)。 结论:1)大多数学校的卫生管理工作实施率在80%以上,卫生管理制度比较全,城市学校卫生管理工作好于农村学校; 2)95%学校开始了健康教育,但50%以上学校缺乏专门健康教育教师; 3)大多数学校供水来源为自来水和自备水源,不同学校水源存在差异,大多数学校供水设施老化,管理人员不熟悉二次供水的知识和规范标准; 4)学生的卫生知识水平不高,主要影响因素包括性别、健康教育课、学校环境卫生、厕所卫生等。学校应加强学生健康教育,做好卫生知识的宣传和卫生行为的指导工作。
[Abstract]:OBJECTIVE: To understand the status of water supply, environmental hygiene and students'personal hygiene knowledge and behavior in primary and secondary schools, and to provide baseline data for schools and education authorities to formulate intervention plans or policies.
Methods: 100 schools in 10 counties of Shaanxi Province, Guangxi Province, Hunan Province, Anhui Province and Chongqing City were selected as the investigation sites by cluster random sampling method to complete the baseline survey and student health knowledge survey. Statistical descriptions of the survey data and the comparison between the types of schools and the locations of the schools were made. Sampling investigation and analysis of student questionnaires involved statistical descriptions and statistical inferences among school types, school locations, gender, survey methods and age groups. Valuation method was used to assess the health knowledge and behavior of the students'questionnaires. Logistic regression model was established by using the total score as a dependent variable and other related covariates to explore the main factors affecting school health knowledge and behavior scores. If it does not conform to the normal distribution, the centralized trend is reflected by the median (M) and the discrete trend is reflected by the quartile spacing (QL-QL).
Results: 1) School hygiene management: Most of the school hygiene management work implementation rate is above 80%, but the school students hygiene self-evaluation rate is low, 48.9%. Only less than half of the schools (42.9%) employ health education teachers, 12% of the schools allocate full-time school doctors (or health care teachers). School health education coverage The rate of hygiene management in non-boarding schools was worse than that in boarding schools, and that in rural schools was worse than that in County schools.
2) School water supply: The school is more familiar with the policy of "drinking water supervision and management", but less familiar with "secondary water supply hygiene standard" and "water supply unit hygiene standard". The coverage rate is low, at 50.0%. Most non-boarding schools and county schools use centralized tap water, while most boarding schools and rural schools use self-provided water. The protection rate around school-owned water sources is 90.9%. However, the disinfection rate of water sources and reservoirs is low. Less than half of schools carry out regular water quality testing in these schools. Only 30.4% of the schools had complete disinfection records. 37 schools had secondary water supply facilities, more than half had no disinfection equipment, and only 32.4% of the schools carried out twice a year water quality testing. The school's water supply facilities can be well maintained and run well. School administrators believe that the main reasons for the failure of the water supply system are system aging and improper system design.
3) Students'awareness of health knowledge: 87% of the students think that academic achievement is as important as health knowledge; most of the students are interested in health knowledge. Only 36% of the students knew what kind of water they drank without getting sick. The awareness rate of county students was higher than that of rural students (%, P 0.05). The awareness rate of female students (%) was higher than that of male students (%, P 0.05). For female students, about 57.6% did not know the physiological period of female students and boarding schools. The awareness rate of female students to physiological period was higher than that of non-boarding school girls (P 0.05). The awareness rate of female students to physiological period in county towns was higher than that in rural areas (P 0.05).
Conclusion: 1) The implementation rate of hygiene management in most schools is above 80%, and the hygiene management system is complete. The hygiene management in urban schools is better than that in rural schools.
2) 95% schools have started health education, but 50% of them lack special health education teachers.
3) Most schools supply water from tap water and self-provided water sources. Water sources vary from school to school. Most school water supply facilities are aging and managers are not familiar with the knowledge and standard of secondary water supply.
4) The level of students'hygiene knowledge is not high, and the main influencing factors include sex, health education courses, school environmental hygiene, toilet hygiene and so on.


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