[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the effect of the establishment of health promotion school in Wujin District of Changzhou City in 2013 on health knowledge and behavior of primary and middle school students, and to provide reference for health education of primary and middle school students. Methods A questionnaire survey on health knowledge and behavior was conducted among 5 000 primary and middle school students in health promotion schools by cluster and simple random sampling before and after declaration. The questionnaire was designed by Jiangsu Provincial Health Education Institute to evaluate the health knowledge awareness rate and health behavior formation rate of students before and after the intervention. Results before and after the intervention, the awareness rate of health knowledge in pupils was 89.800.91.055.The awareness rate of health knowledge in middle school students was 86.6592. 00% (蠂 2 was 25.265330.187, P < 0.01), the health behavior formation rate of pupils was 81.00%, and that of middle school students was 79.00% (蠂 2 = 133.1890.63.296P = 0.01). The awareness rate of health knowledge of middle school students was 4.1 percentage points higher than that of primary school students, and the rate of health behavior formation was 1.5 percentage points less than that of pupils. Conclusion the establishment of health promotion schools can obviously promote students' health knowledge and behavior. Health promotion school building is a good form and carrier for controlling school health education and improving the health literacy level of primary and middle school students.
【作者单位】: 江苏省常州市武进区疾病预防控制中心;
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