本文选题:鼻腔鼻窦炎 切入点:真菌 出处:《中国医学计算机成像杂志》2017年02期
[Abstract]:Objective: to improve the diagnostic rate of chronic invasive fungal sinusitis by analyzing the imaging findings of CIFR.Methods: the clinical and imaging data of 16 cases of CIFR proved by pathology were retrospectively analyzed. Ct scans were performed in 10 cases and plain scan in 6 cases, of which 5 cases were performed with MRI plain scan and 3 cases with diffusion-weighted imaging.Results: the lesions occurred in 7 cases of maxillary sinus, 5 cases of sphenoid sinus, 3 cases of ethmoid sinus and 1 case of superior nasal canal.There were 7 cases of osteogenesis sclerosis and 7 cases of resorption destruction, 2 cases of simple bone resorption and destruction of bone, and 2 cases of simple bone resorption. MRI showed iso-or hypointensity on T _ 1WI. After enhancement, the enhancement was not homogeneous and the diffusion was limited.The mean apparent diffusion coefficient was 0.516 卤0.128 (脳 10-3mm ~ (-2) / s ~ (-1)), including 6 cases of orbital invasion, 5 cases of orbital apical region, 1 case of orbital floor, 5 cases of inferior orbital fissure area, 4 cases of cavernous sinus and pterygopalatine fossa, 3 cases of infratemporal fossa and 3 cases of nasopharyngeal roof, 3 cases of maxillary nerve, and 3 cases of infratemporal fossa and nasopharyngeal roof, respectively.There were 2 cases of optic nerve, 1 case of meningeal and 1 case of temporal lobe.Conclusion the calcification and the surrounding bone involvement in the lesions can be demonstrated by CT scan. Routine MRI combined with DWI can provide more information for the diagnosis of the disease.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学附属金山医院放射科;复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院放射科;复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院病理科;
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