本文选题:中暑/热射病 + 基层官兵 ; 参考:《解放军医院管理杂志》2016年07期
【摘要】:目的调查黄海地区官兵中暑/热射病知识及现场处置方法知晓情况,为开展针对性普及教育提供依据。方法2015年5—7月对黄海地区官兵1 600人进行中暑/热射病知识问卷调查,收回合格问卷1 575份,有效回收率为98.4%。结果 1"中暑"及"热射病"的知晓率分别为94.5%、30%,"热射病"的知晓率明显低于"中暑"(P=0.000);临床表现中的头晕、眼花、恶心知晓率最高为85.1%,其次是面色苍白、晕厥及口渴、乏力、多汗,分别为62.7%、54.6%,肌肉抽搐伴疼痛仅占16.5%;预防措施中口服淡盐水补液、热习服的知晓率分别为79.1%、30.7%;发病风险中太阳直射下活动、高气温的知晓率分别是84.7%、81.8%,而高湿度的知晓率仅为26%。相关知识获取途径以日常学习占第一位67.3%。2不同军种对"中暑"、"热射病"的知晓率比较,陆军均明显高于海军(P0.05)。3知道与不知道"中暑"两组现场处置方式认知的组间比较发现,正确认知如将患者转移至阴凉环境、口服淡盐水补液、降温过程中不使用隔热材料、野外环境下进行溪水内降温,两组无明显差别(P0.05),但后两项认知知晓率较低;增加体表散热面积(松解装备及过紧的衣物)不知道组明显低于知道组(P=0.000)。错误认知:无需监测体温变化、口服糖水补液知道组明显低于不知道组(P0.01)。结论黄海地区官兵中暑/热射病知识的知晓情况有待提高,需建立基层定期培训及热射病病例汇总管理机制,真正降低劳力性热射病发病率,提高部队战斗力。
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the knowledge of heatstroke / heatstroke in Huang Hai officers and soldiers and to provide basis for popularizing education. Methods from May to July 2015, 1 600 officers and soldiers in Huang Hai area were investigated with heatstroke / heatstroke knowledge questionnaire, and 1 575 qualified questionnaires were collected. The effective recovery rate was 98.4%. Results (1) the awareness rates of "heat stroke" and "heat radiation sickness" were 94.555 and 30, respectively. The awareness rate of "heat stroke" was significantly lower than that of "heat stroke" 0.000. The highest awareness rate of dizziness, eyedrop and nausea was 85.1% in clinical manifestations, followed by pale face, syncope, thirst and fatigue. Hyperhidrosis, 62.7% and 54.6, muscle convulsion with pain only accounted for 16.5%; oral dilute saline rehydration in preventive measures, the awareness rate of heat acclimation was 79.1% and 30.7%, respectively; the rate of awareness of high temperature was 84.71.8, while that of high humidity was 26.5%. The way to acquire relevant knowledge was that daily study was the first in 67.3.2 different services had higher awareness of "heatstroke" and "heat radiation disease", the army was significantly higher than the navy (P0.050.3.) who knew or did not know "heatstroke", and found that there were two groups who knew "heatstroke" and did not know how to deal with it on the spot, and found that there were two groups with knowledge of "heatstroke" and "heatstroke". The correct cognition, such as transferring the patient to the cool environment, taking the fresh salt water for rehydration, not using the heat insulation material during the cooling process, and cooling the water in the field, there was no significant difference between the two groups, but the awareness rate of the latter two cognitive items was lower than that of the other two groups. Increasing the surface heat dissipation area (loosening equipment and too tight clothing) was significantly lower in the unknown group than in the known group P0. 000. False cognition: no monitoring of body temperature was required, and the oral glucose rehydration group was significantly lower than that of the unknown group (P 0.01). Conclusion the knowledge of heatstroke / heatstroke disease among officers and soldiers in Huang Hai area needs to be improved. It is necessary to set up regular training at the grass-roots level and collect and manage the cases of heatstroke disease so as to reduce the incidence of exertional heat radiation disease and improve the combat effectiveness of the army.
【作者单位】: 解放军第401医院重症医学科;
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