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发布时间:2018-05-31 22:22

  本文选题:军事人员 + 恐高反应 ; 参考:《第四军医大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:恐高反应不同程度的存在于每个人身上,严重者对高处环境有着极其不合理的恐惧和担心,在临床上通常被诊断为恐高症。恐高症具有很强的隐匿性,社会关注度不高。空降跳伞是一项公认的高应激、高致伤率的军事训练科目,训练时人体不可避免的长期暴露于高处环境,恐高反应严重的新兵较之其他新兵必然会出现更加强烈的心理应激。也许正是因为这一群体的隐性存在,使得跳伞伤的发生率很难得到根本性控制。本研究通过调查,试图发现恐高反应新兵的人口学特征、高处情境暴露下的认知特点和行为表现,以及这一群体在应激状态下的心理特征;探讨恐高症的发病特点及影响因素,分析恐高反应与跳伞应激的关系,进而对空降兵心理选拔及训练防护提出指导性建议。 实验的被试都是经过严格筛选后入组。在跳伞训练开始前,从空降兵某部2010年12月入伍的1000余名新兵中经过初步自评筛选和暴露实验筛选,将43名恐高反应较重的新兵纳入实验组,46名几乎没有恐高反应的新兵纳入对照组。实验前先对一般情况、恐高反应程度进行问卷调查,然后对两组新兵进行不同高处情境下的暴露实验,记录脉搏、收缩压等生理指标和若干认知行为评定指标,最后在训练中期使用不同量表对应激状态下的心理特征进行调查。 主要研究结果: 1.实验组新兵在整个新兵群体中约占4%,72.1%来自于农村,93%的家庭月收入低于5000元;人口学因素均衡性比较,实验组与对照组仅在家族疾病史和个人摔伤史上存在显著性差异(P<0.05); 2.实验组对高处情境表现出强烈的焦虑情绪和回避行为,与对照组有显著差异(t=24.05,22.75;P<0.001),不同高处情境下的脉搏和收缩压也高于对照组(P<0.05);认知上,实验组较之对照组表现出低信心、高紧张的认知特点,对训练伤的担心程度较高,认为训练伤与自身紧张情绪关系密切,对垂直距离的判断明显高于对照组,差异具有显著性(P<0.001);行为上,实验组在高处情境下表现为退缩回避,动作容易变形,姿势难以保持,甚至发生训练伤; 3.16PF各因子中,实验组新兵持强性、兴奋性、敢为性、幻想性及内外向性低于对照组(t=-2.536,-2.277,-2.452,-2.313,-3.446;P=0.013,0.025,0.016,0.024,0.001),而有恒性、怀疑性、世故性、忧虑性、实验性、独立性、自律性以及适应与焦虑性高于对照组(t=3.125,2.524,,4.797,5.191,3.555,6.375,3.378,2.298;P=0.002,0.013,0.000,0.000,0.001,0.000,0.001,0.024); 4.实验组新兵的心理应激程度高于对照组,躯体化、人际关系、抑郁、焦虑、恐怖、偏执等SCL-90因子得分明显偏高(P<0.05),自我和谐程度也比对照组低(总分比较上,t=2.493,P=0.015);训练中,实验组状态焦虑明显高于对照组(t=3.458,P=0.001),其特质焦虑与对照组相比也有显著差异(t=6.550,P<0.001);实验组新兵更多的采取退避的应付方式,两组新兵在成熟型和中间型防御方式上无明显差异,但在不成熟防御方式上差异显著(t=2.55,P=0.013); 5.恐高反应评定量表中的高处情境焦虑和回避因子与躯体化、人际关系、抑郁、焦虑、恐怖、偏执、自我不和谐性以及状态-特质焦虑存在显著相关(P<0.01)。 主要研究结论: 1.人口学特征提示,恐高症的发病可能具有农村高于城市、集中在低收入人群等特点,影响因素有家族疾病史和个人摔伤史; 2.恐高反应较重的新兵在高处情境下产生认知偏差、自我评价不高、行为退缩回避、明显生理应激等变化;人格上表现为信心不足、过分谨慎、善于内省、敏感忧虑及不太适应环境改变等,这些特点有可能是恐高症患病的人格基础; 3.恐高反应评定量表经完善后可以试用于空降兵心理选拔;恐高反应较重的新兵承受着剧烈的心理应激,很难适应部队跳伞训练,因此需要制定合理的、有针对性的训练方案并且需要采取相应的措施进行心理防护。
[Abstract]:The fear of high reaction exists on each person in varying degrees. The serious people have extremely irrational fears and fears about the high environment. They are usually diagnosed as fear of heights in the clinical. The threat of heights is very concealed and the social concern is not high. Parachute parachute is a recognized military training subject with high stress and high injury rate. The body is inevitably exposed to the high environment for a long time, and the highly reactive recruits are bound to have more intense psychological stress than other recruits. Perhaps it is because of the recessive existence of this group that the incidence of parachute injuries is difficult to be fundamentally controlled. Characteristics, cognitive characteristics and behavioral manifestations exposed to high situation, as well as the psychological characteristics of this group under stress state, explore the characteristics and influencing factors of the atrocity, analyze the relationship between the fear of high response and parachute stress, and then give some guidance for the psychological selection and training protection of the airborne soldiers.
Before the parachute training began, before the beginning of the parachute training, 1000 recruits from the parachute department, who had been recruited from the army in December 2010, had been screened by the preliminary self-evaluation screening and exposure test, and 43 recruits with higher reactivity were included in the experimental group, and 46 recruits with almost no fear of high reaction were included in the control group. In general, the degree of high response was investigated by questionnaire, and then the two groups of recruits were exposed to different levels of exposure, and the physiological indexes such as pulse, systolic pressure and some cognitive behavior evaluation indexes were recorded. Finally, the psychological characteristics of stress state were investigated using different scales in the middle period of training.
The main research results are as follows:
1. of the new recruits in the experimental group accounted for about 4% of the whole new recruits, 72.1% from the countryside and 93% of the family monthly income of less than 5000 yuan. The comparison of demographic factors in the experimental group and the control group was significantly different in the history of family disease and the history of individual injuries (P < 0.05).
2. the experimental group showed strong anxiety and avoidance behavior in the high situation, and there was significant difference from the control group (t=24.05,22.75; P < 0.001). The pulse and systolic pressure in different high situations were also higher than those of the control group (P < 0.05). In cognition, the experimental group showed low confidence, high tension cognitive characteristics and fear of training injury. In a higher degree, the training injuries were closely related to their own tension, and the judgment of the vertical distance was significantly higher than that of the control group (P < 0.001); in the behavior, the experimental group showed withdrawal avoidance, the movement was easy to be deformed, the posture was difficult to maintain, and even the training injury occurred.
Among the factors of 3.16PF, the strength, excitement, dares, dares, fantasies and introversion of the experimental group were lower than the control group (t=-2.536, -2.277, -2.452, -2.313, -3.446; P=0.013,0.025,0.016,0.024,0.001), and there were constancy, suspicion, sophistication, anxiety, experimentation, independence, self-discipline, and adaptation and anxiety higher than the control group (t=3.125,2.5) 24,4.797,5.191,3.555,6.375,3.378,2.298; P=0.002,0.013,0.000,0.000,0.001,0.000,0.001,0.024);
4. the psychological stress degree of the recruits in the experimental group was higher than that of the control group. The scores of SCL-90 factors, such as somatization, interpersonal relationship, depression, anxiety, terror and paranoia, were significantly higher (P < 0.05), and the degree of self harmony was also lower than that of the control group (t=2.493, P=0.015). The state anxiety of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group (t=3.458, P=0.001), and its characteristics were significantly higher than that of the control group (t=3.458, P=0.001). There were significant differences in anxiety compared with those in the control group (t=6.550, P < 0.001); the new recruits in the experimental group did not have a significant difference between the mature and intermediate defense styles in the two groups, but there were significant differences in the immature defense mode (t=2.55, P=0.013).
The high situational anxiety and avoidance factors in the 5. high response rating scale were significantly correlated with somatization, interpersonal relationship, depression, anxiety, terror, paranoia, self disharmony and state trait anxiety (P < 0.01).
The main conclusions are as follows:
1. demographic characteristics suggest that the incidence of heights may be higher in rural areas than in cities, concentrated in low income groups, such as the history of family disease and the history of personal injuries.
2. the highly reactive recruits have cognitive bias in high situation, low self evaluation, withdrawal avoidance, obvious physiological stress and so on. The personality shows lack of confidence, excessively prudent, good at introspection, sensitive anxiety and not adapting to the change of the environment. These characteristics may be the personality basis of the disease.
The 3. high response assessment scale can be tried in the psychological selection of the airborne soldiers. The heavily threatening recruits are suffering from severe psychological stress and are difficult to adapt to the parachute training. Therefore, a reasonable, targeted training scheme and corresponding measures need to be taken to protect the psychological protection.


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