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sports medical science 在 体育 分类中 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-12-12 17:42










    Column Setting And Papers Statistics Of Sports Medical Science And Sports Human Science Of Chinese Core Sports Periodicals



    Offer some experiment bases in the field of sports medical science for Acupoint-injection therapy , Shengmai, Huangqi.



    This system improves the training efficiency and training level, via the across investigation of Sport Training, Sports medical science, Biomechanics, Biology Chemistry and Computer Information Technology, etc. , and gives essential scientific guide, supplement and validate to the traditional training.



    With literary, visit method of investigation combine basketball characteristic of sport,this essay uses physiology and sports medical science theory to analyse tired mechanism, diagnosis and method recovered to produce the preliminary discussion about basketball players.



    We have probed the knowledge and technical ability structure model of the sports body science students. It makes them physical therapists, occupational therapy teachers, sports therapy teachers and entertainment therapy professional technicians with basic medicine, clinical medicine, sports medical science, health care medical science, rehabilitation medicine knowledge and technical ability structure.




查询“sports medical science”译词为用户自定义的双语例句

Exercise stress arouses some tissue and cell to synthesize stress protein which arouses the protective function to exercise stress. This article describes the stress protein's detection,(classification,)characteristics,function and expression of some tissues and organs under stress state,possible mechanism and its protective functions to the cells. The purpose is to study the latent (applied) foreground of stress protein in the field of sport medical science.


According to modern training view analysis, tired judgement and resume have already become a modem important component in sport training. There are two basic factors which influence training and competition achievement too. With literary, visit method of investigation combine basketball characteristic of sport,this essay uses physiology and sports medical science theory to analyse tired mechanism, diagnosis and method recovered to produce the preliminary discussion about basketball players.


By means of the theoies and methods of sports physiology, sports medical science, sports culture, this paper presents the definition and characteristics to light physical training and approaches the sports physiological bases on light physical training body-building and its effects. The conclusions are that light physical training is a good form of nationwide fitness programs, with such body-building effects as illness prevention, sub-health resistance, old age prolonging , etc.



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