发布时间:2018-08-03 07:01
【摘要】:随着航空业的迅猛发展,航空公司对飞行员和空中乘务员的需求越来越大。飞行员决定着安全水平,而空中乘务员体现着航空公司的服务品质,这两大人群是航空公司的灵魂,直接关系着航空公司的利益,因此,选拔高质量的飞行员及空中乘务员显得尤为重要。在人才选拔过程中,人格特征是决定飞行员及空中乘务员是否胜任岗位的一项很重要的指标。本研究主要分为两大部分:第一部分:民航飞行员人格模型的构建 目的:探讨民航飞行员的人格特点,建立适合飞行员群体个性特征的人格模型,为飞行员的选拔提供理论依据与技术支持。 方法:采用完全随机抽样的方法,应用DXC-6型多项群体心理测评仪对民航飞行员进行16PF人格测验,计算机播放指导语和题目并记录被试作答的答案。 结果: (1)飞行员16PF各因子原始分与原常模进行单样本t检验,在聪慧性、稳定性、恃强性、兴奋性、有恒性、敢为性、敏感性、怀疑性、幻想性、世故性、忧虑性、独立性、自律性和紧张性14个因子上差异显著,有统计学意义(P0.05);飞行员16PF时间分与原常模进行单样本t检验,在乐群性、聪慧性、稳定性、有恒性、幻想性、世故性、忧虑性、实验性、独立性、自律性10个因子上差异显著,有统计学意义(P0.05); (2)16PF大部分因素同质性信度(Cronbach α)在0.50~0.81之间,斯皮尔曼分半信度在0.53~0.80之间,因素之间相关系数在0.00~0.59之间不等,绝大多数处于中等偏下的水平; (3)优秀飞行员组与一般飞行员组进行独立样本t检验、秩和检验,在稳定性、恃强性、兴奋性、有恒性、敢为性、忧虑性、独立性、紧张性、适应焦虑性、内外向型、感情用事与安详机警型、心理健康因素、专业成就个性因素和创造能力个性因素14个因子得分上差异显著,有统计学意义(P0.05); (4)对两个人群16PF各因子标准分进行逐步差别分析,兴奋性、敢为性、敏感性、怀疑性、忧虑性、独立性、自律性、紧张性8个变量指标进入判别方程,判别系数依次为㧟0.278,0.176,0.345,0.216,0.266,㧟0.140,㧟0.283,0.172,常数项为㧟2.652,分界值C=㧟0.519; (5)因子分析提取公因子8个,其特征值分别为3.660,2.248,1.192,1.154,1.087,0.996,0.955,0.790,解释变异量分别为22.88%,14.05%,7.45%,7.22%,6.79%,6.23%,5.97%,4.94%,累积解释变异量75.51%。 结论: (1)16PF在民航飞行员群体中信效度良好; (2)飞行员具有情绪稳定、独立自信、理智随和、自律负责的人格特点;优秀飞行员人格呈现出情绪稳定、外向、心理健康程度高、刚毅果断、专业成就高的特点。 (3)对优秀飞行员与一般飞行员进行判别的函数表达式为:Y=㧟0.278F+0.176H+0.345I+0.216L+0.266O㧟0.14Q2㧟0.283Q3+0.172Q4㧟2.652 当Y≤㧟0.519时,判别为优秀飞行员;当Y㧟0.519时,,判别为一般飞行员; (4)基于16PF,民航飞行员的人格结构模型为八因子模型。第二部分:空中乘务员人格模型的建构 目的:探讨空中乘务员的人格特点,建立相应的人格模型,为空中乘务员的选拔提供理论依据和技术支持。 方法:采用随机抽样的方法,借助DXC-6型多项群体心理测评仪对空中乘务员进行16PF人格测验,计算机播放指导语和题目并记录被试作答的答案以及作答时间。 结果: (1)空乘16PF各因子原始分与原常模进行单样本t检验,除恃强性、世故性两因子外,空乘其余14个因子得分均与原常模均差异显著,有统计学意义(P0.05); (2)男、女乘务员16PF各因子原始分进行独立样本t检验,在乐群性、敏感性、幻想性、忧虑性4个因子上得分差异显著,有统计学意义(P0.05),其中女乘务员在这4个因子上得分上高于男乘务员; (3)空乘16PF初级因子时间分与原常模进行单样本t检验,结果显示在敏感性、幻想性、世故性、实验性、紧张性5个因子维度上差异显著,有统计学意义(P0.05); (4)16PF大部分因素同质性信度在0.60~0.81之间,斯皮尔曼分半信度在0.63~0.85之间,相关系数在0.00~0.60之间不等,绝大多数因素之间的相关系数处于中等偏下的水平; (5)优秀空乘组与一般空乘组进行独立样本t检验、秩和检验,在乐群性、稳定性、兴奋性、有恒性、怀疑性、幻想性、自律性、紧张性、专业成就因素及新环境成长能力因素得分上差异显著,有统计学意义(P0.05),且在乐群性、稳定性、有恒性、怀疑性、自律性、专业成就因素及新环境成长能力7个因子维度上,优秀乘务员组得分高于一般乘务员组(P0.05); (6)经逐步差别分析,聪慧性、有恒性、独立性3个变量指标进入判别方程,判别系数依次为㧟0.341,㧟0.488,0.404常数项为㧟1.254,分界值C=㧟0.325; (7)经因子分析,空乘的人格结构为八因子模型,8个公因子的特征值分别为3.866,1.900,1.419,1.235,1.026,0.975,0.794,0.778,解释变异量分别为24.16%,11.88%,8.87%,7.72%,6.41%,6.09%,4.96%,4.86%,累积解释变异量74.96%。 结论: (1)16PF在空中乘务员群体中信效度良好; (2)空中乘务员总体呈现出开朗随和、情绪稳定、自律负责、感情细腻的人格特征。男、女乘务员在乐群性、敏感性、幻想性、忧虑性4个因子维度上呈现出完全不同的个性特点,其中女乘务员较之男乘务员,人格特征更多的表现出外向热情、感情细腻等特点。优秀空中乘务员具有外向热情、情绪稳定、随和自律、有恒负责的人格特征;同时优秀乘务员也表现出专业成就能力强、新环境适应能力强的特点。 (3)优秀空中乘务员与一般乘务员判别函数模型表达式为:Y=㧟0.341B㧟0.488G+0.404Q2㧟1.254 当Y≤㧟0.325时,判别为优秀空中乘务员;当Y㧟0.325时,判别为一般空中乘务员; (4)基于16PF的16项根源特质,空中乘务员的人格特征呈现八因子结构。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the aviation industry, the demand for pilots and flight attendants is increasing. Pilots determine the level of safety and air crew embodies the service quality of the airline. These two people are the soul of the airline, directly related to the interests of the airline company. Therefore, the selection of high quality pilots and empty space. In the process of talent selection, personality is a very important index to determine whether the pilot and the flight attendant are competent. This study is divided into two parts: the first part: the construction of the personality model of the civil aviation pilot
Objective: To explore the personality characteristics of civil aviation pilots and to establish a personality model suitable for the personality of the pilot group, so as to provide theoretical basis and technical support for the selection of pilots.
Methods: using the method of complete random sampling, the 16PF personality test was carried out for civil aviation pilots with DXC-6 multi group psychological tester. The computer played guidance and questions and recorded the answers to the answers.
(1) a single sample t test was carried out between the original 16PF factor and the original norm of the pilot. The difference between the 14 factors of intelligence, stability, bulness, excitement, identity, sensitivity, suspicion, fantasy, sophistication, anxiety, independence, self-discipline and tension was statistically significant (P0.05); the pilot's 16PF time and the original norm A single sample t test was performed on 10 factors of music, intelligence, stability, identity, fantasy, sophistication, anxiety, experimentation, independence and self-discipline, with statistical significance (P0.05).
(2) the homogeneity reliability (Cronbach alpha) of most factors of 16PF was between 0.50 and 0.81, and the half reliability of Spielman was between 0.53 and 0.80. The correlation coefficient between factors ranged from 0 to 0.59, and the overwhelming majority was at the middle level.
(3) the excellent pilot group and the general pilot group carried out independent sample t test, rank sum test, in stability, bulness, excitement, constancy, dares, anxiety, independence, tension, adaptation to anxiety, internal and external type, emotional and serenity, psychological health, professional achievement personality factors and creative personality factors 14 factors. There was a significant difference in factor scores, with statistical significance (P0.05).
(4) step by step analysis of the standard scores of each factor of 16PF in two groups, 8 variables, excitability, dares, sensibility, suspicion, anxiety, independence, self-discipline and tension, were entered into the discriminant equation, and the discriminant coefficient was 0.278,0.176,0.345,0.216,0.266,? 0.140,? 0.283,0.172, the constant term was 2.652, and the boundary value C=? 0.519;
(5) factor analysis extracts 8 common factors, whose eigenvalues are 3.660,2.248,1.192,1.154,1.087,0.996,0.955,0.790 respectively, and the explanatory variations are 22.88%, 14.05%, 7.45%, 7.22%, 6.79%, 6.23%, 5.97%, 4.94%, respectively, to explain the variation of 75.51%.
(1) 16PF has good validity in civil aviation pilots.
(2) the pilots have the characteristics of emotional stability, independence, self confidence, intellectual and self-discipline, and self disciplined personality. The personality of the excellent pilot is characterized by emotional stability, extrovert, high mental health, resolute and resolute, and high professional achievement.
(3) The function expression for distinguishing excellent pilots from ordinary pilots is Y=? 0.278F+0.176H+0.345I+0.216L+0.266O?0.14Q2?0.283Q3+0.172Q4?2.652?
When Y is less than 0.519, it is classified as an excellent pilot; when Y? 0.519, it is classified as a general pilot.
(4) Based on 16PF, the personality structure model of civil aviation pilots is an eight-factor model. Part II: Construction of the personality model of air crew
Objective: To explore the personality characteristics of air crew and establish the corresponding personality model so as to provide theoretical basis and technical support for the selection of air crew.
Methods: using the random sampling method, the air flight attendants were tested on the 16PF personality test with the aid of the DXC-6 multi group psychological tester. The computer played the guidance and questions and recorded the answer and the time of answer.
(1) a single sample t test of the original 16PF factor of the flight attendants and the original norm was carried out. Besides the strength and the two factor of the world, the scores of the other 14 factors of the flight attendants were all significantly different from those of the original norm (P0.05).
(2) male, female flight attendants 16PF factors of the original score of the independent sample t test, in the group, sensitivity, fantasy, anxiety, 4 factors are significant differences, there is statistical significance (P0.05), of which the female stewardess on these 4 factors is higher than the male steward;
(3) a single sample t test was performed on the primary factor time and the original norm of the 16PF. The results showed that there were significant differences in the 5 factors of sensitivity, fantasy, sophistication, experimentation and tension (P0.05).
(4) the homogeneity reliability of most factors of 16PF is between 0.60 and 0.81, and the half reliability of Spielman is between 0.63 and 0.85, the correlation coefficient varies from 0 to 0.60, and the correlation coefficient between most factors is at the middle level.
(5) the independent sample t test of the excellent flight attendants and the general flight attendants, the rank sum test, the scores in the scores of the group, stability, excitement, constancy, suspicion, fantasy, self-discipline, tension, professional achievement factors and new environment growth factors, are statistically significant (P0.05), and in the group, stability, persistence, and suspicion. The score of excellent flight attendant group was higher than that of general flight attendant group (P 0.05).
(6) after the gradual difference analysis, the 3 variables of intelligence, persistence and independence entered the discriminant equation. The discriminant coefficient was 0.341, the 0.488,0.404 constant term was 1.254, and the boundary value was C=? 0.325.
(7) by factor analysis, the personality structure of the flight attendants is a eight factor model, and the eigenvalues of 8 common factors are 3.866,1.900,1.419,1.235,1.026,0.975,0.794,0.778 respectively, and the explanatory variations are 24.16%, 11.88%, 8.87%, 7.72%, 6.41%, 6.09%, 4.96%, 4.86%, cumulative interpretation of variation 74.96%.
(1) 16PF has good validity in the air crew group.
(2) the flight attendants generally show an open and easy-going, emotional stability, self-discipline, and delicate personality characteristics. Male and female attendants have completely different personality characteristics on the 4 factors of happiness, sensitivity, fantasy and anxiety, of which female stewardship is more extroverted than male stewardship, and more personality characteristics show extrovert enthusiasm. The excellent air crew is enthusiastic, emotionally stable, easy-going and self disciplined, and has a constant and responsible personality. At the same time, the excellent crew also shows the ability of professional achievement and the ability to adapt to the new environment.
(3) the discriminant function model for excellent flight attendants and general attendants is: Y=? 0.341B? 0.488G+0.404Q2? 1.254
When Y is less than 0.325, it is classified as an excellent flight attendant; when Y? 0.325, it is classified as a general air steward.
(4) based on the 16 root characteristics of 16PF, the personality characteristics of flight attendants show a eight factor structure.
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the aviation industry, the demand for pilots and flight attendants is increasing. Pilots determine the level of safety and air crew embodies the service quality of the airline. These two people are the soul of the airline, directly related to the interests of the airline company. Therefore, the selection of high quality pilots and empty space. In the process of talent selection, personality is a very important index to determine whether the pilot and the flight attendant are competent. This study is divided into two parts: the first part: the construction of the personality model of the civil aviation pilot
Objective: To explore the personality characteristics of civil aviation pilots and to establish a personality model suitable for the personality of the pilot group, so as to provide theoretical basis and technical support for the selection of pilots.
Methods: using the method of complete random sampling, the 16PF personality test was carried out for civil aviation pilots with DXC-6 multi group psychological tester. The computer played guidance and questions and recorded the answers to the answers.
(1) a single sample t test was carried out between the original 16PF factor and the original norm of the pilot. The difference between the 14 factors of intelligence, stability, bulness, excitement, identity, sensitivity, suspicion, fantasy, sophistication, anxiety, independence, self-discipline and tension was statistically significant (P0.05); the pilot's 16PF time and the original norm A single sample t test was performed on 10 factors of music, intelligence, stability, identity, fantasy, sophistication, anxiety, experimentation, independence and self-discipline, with statistical significance (P0.05).
(2) the homogeneity reliability (Cronbach alpha) of most factors of 16PF was between 0.50 and 0.81, and the half reliability of Spielman was between 0.53 and 0.80. The correlation coefficient between factors ranged from 0 to 0.59, and the overwhelming majority was at the middle level.
(3) the excellent pilot group and the general pilot group carried out independent sample t test, rank sum test, in stability, bulness, excitement, constancy, dares, anxiety, independence, tension, adaptation to anxiety, internal and external type, emotional and serenity, psychological health, professional achievement personality factors and creative personality factors 14 factors. There was a significant difference in factor scores, with statistical significance (P0.05).
(4) step by step analysis of the standard scores of each factor of 16PF in two groups, 8 variables, excitability, dares, sensibility, suspicion, anxiety, independence, self-discipline and tension, were entered into the discriminant equation, and the discriminant coefficient was 0.278,0.176,0.345,0.216,0.266,? 0.140,? 0.283,0.172, the constant term was 2.652, and the boundary value C=? 0.519;
(5) factor analysis extracts 8 common factors, whose eigenvalues are 3.660,2.248,1.192,1.154,1.087,0.996,0.955,0.790 respectively, and the explanatory variations are 22.88%, 14.05%, 7.45%, 7.22%, 6.79%, 6.23%, 5.97%, 4.94%, respectively, to explain the variation of 75.51%.
(1) 16PF has good validity in civil aviation pilots.
(2) the pilots have the characteristics of emotional stability, independence, self confidence, intellectual and self-discipline, and self disciplined personality. The personality of the excellent pilot is characterized by emotional stability, extrovert, high mental health, resolute and resolute, and high professional achievement.
(3) The function expression for distinguishing excellent pilots from ordinary pilots is Y=? 0.278F+0.176H+0.345I+0.216L+0.266O?0.14Q2?0.283Q3+0.172Q4?2.652?
When Y is less than 0.519, it is classified as an excellent pilot; when Y? 0.519, it is classified as a general pilot.
(4) Based on 16PF, the personality structure model of civil aviation pilots is an eight-factor model. Part II: Construction of the personality model of air crew
Objective: To explore the personality characteristics of air crew and establish the corresponding personality model so as to provide theoretical basis and technical support for the selection of air crew.
Methods: using the random sampling method, the air flight attendants were tested on the 16PF personality test with the aid of the DXC-6 multi group psychological tester. The computer played the guidance and questions and recorded the answer and the time of answer.
(1) a single sample t test of the original 16PF factor of the flight attendants and the original norm was carried out. Besides the strength and the two factor of the world, the scores of the other 14 factors of the flight attendants were all significantly different from those of the original norm (P0.05).
(2) male, female flight attendants 16PF factors of the original score of the independent sample t test, in the group, sensitivity, fantasy, anxiety, 4 factors are significant differences, there is statistical significance (P0.05), of which the female stewardess on these 4 factors is higher than the male steward;
(3) a single sample t test was performed on the primary factor time and the original norm of the 16PF. The results showed that there were significant differences in the 5 factors of sensitivity, fantasy, sophistication, experimentation and tension (P0.05).
(4) the homogeneity reliability of most factors of 16PF is between 0.60 and 0.81, and the half reliability of Spielman is between 0.63 and 0.85, the correlation coefficient varies from 0 to 0.60, and the correlation coefficient between most factors is at the middle level.
(5) the independent sample t test of the excellent flight attendants and the general flight attendants, the rank sum test, the scores in the scores of the group, stability, excitement, constancy, suspicion, fantasy, self-discipline, tension, professional achievement factors and new environment growth factors, are statistically significant (P0.05), and in the group, stability, persistence, and suspicion. The score of excellent flight attendant group was higher than that of general flight attendant group (P 0.05).
(6) after the gradual difference analysis, the 3 variables of intelligence, persistence and independence entered the discriminant equation. The discriminant coefficient was 0.341, the 0.488,0.404 constant term was 1.254, and the boundary value was C=? 0.325.
(7) by factor analysis, the personality structure of the flight attendants is a eight factor model, and the eigenvalues of 8 common factors are 3.866,1.900,1.419,1.235,1.026,0.975,0.794,0.778 respectively, and the explanatory variations are 24.16%, 11.88%, 8.87%, 7.72%, 6.41%, 6.09%, 4.96%, 4.86%, cumulative interpretation of variation 74.96%.
(1) 16PF has good validity in the air crew group.
(2) the flight attendants generally show an open and easy-going, emotional stability, self-discipline, and delicate personality characteristics. Male and female attendants have completely different personality characteristics on the 4 factors of happiness, sensitivity, fantasy and anxiety, of which female stewardship is more extroverted than male stewardship, and more personality characteristics show extrovert enthusiasm. The excellent air crew is enthusiastic, emotionally stable, easy-going and self disciplined, and has a constant and responsible personality. At the same time, the excellent crew also shows the ability of professional achievement and the ability to adapt to the new environment.
(3) the discriminant function model for excellent flight attendants and general attendants is: Y=? 0.341B? 0.488G+0.404Q2? 1.254
When Y is less than 0.325, it is classified as an excellent flight attendant; when Y? 0.325, it is classified as a general air steward.
(4) based on the 16 root characteristics of 16PF, the personality characteristics of flight attendants show a eight factor structure.
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