[Abstract]:The basic goal of radiotherapy is to improve the therapeutic gain ratio of radiotherapy, that is, to concentrate the dose of radiation to the target area to reduce or avoid the exposure of normal tissues and organs around the tumor while killing tumor cells. Intensity modulated radiotherapy (Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy, IMRT), as an advanced conformal radiotherapy technique, will be the mainstream of radiation therapy in the early 21st century. As the key step of intensity modulated radiotherapy, the aim of the reverse therapy plan is to find out the therapeutic implementation scheme to reach a certain clinical goal, that is, to determine the treatment implementation parameters such as the type of ray, energy, direction and number of field, shape and weight of field, etc. Because of the complexity of planning and implementation, it is usually necessary to solve the problem by using computer-aided reverse therapy plan. The study of intensity distribution optimization of intensity modulated radiation beam is the core of reverse treatment plan. Therefore, it is of great significance to study it. In this paper, the optimization of beam intensity distribution in IMRT is studied with the aid of the National Natural Science Foundation of China "Research on Multi-objective Optimization algorithm and its objective function in IMRT reverse Plan" (60872112). The main work is as follows: 1 the development of multi-objective optimization algorithm and its research hotspot are discussed, and the multi-objective optimization algorithm applied in IMRT is summarized. 2. The immune algorithm is described systematically, and an improved immune clone algorithm is proposed, which is compared with the results of other evolutionary algorithms on five typical test functions. It is proved that the proposed algorithm can rapidly converge to the ideal Pareto frontier and obtain the Pareto optimal solution with a more uniform distribution. 3 the improved immune clone algorithm is applied to the IMRT reverse plan experimental platform. A practical example is given to verify the validity.
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