[Abstract]:Objective to evaluate the clinical value of CT angiography (CTA) before and after (DVT) intervention for deep vein thrombosis of lower extremity. Methods Fifty-four patients with lower extremity DVT were enrolled in this study. Thirty patients with lower extremity DVT underwent 128-slice spiral CT scanning and three dimensional vascular reconstruction after interventional operation. The CT findings of lower extremity DVT were observed and compared with DSA examination. The diagnostic coincidence rate of DVT CTA was calculated. Results the distribution of DVT in 31 cases of left lower extremity, 16 cases of right lower extremity, 7 cases of bilateral lower extremities and 26 cases of DVT in patients before interventional intervention were better than that of DSA. Lower extremity DVT combined with pulmonary embolism (n = 8). 21 cases with iliac vein compression syndrome (n = 10). The results of CT showed that there were 2 cases of Budd-Chiari syndrome and 4 cases of pelvic mass compression of common iliac vein. Pelvic hematoma compressed iliac vein in 1 case, inguinal lymph node in 3 cases and cyst in 3 cases. CTA of 25 cases of deep iliac femoral vein after interventional surgery showed that 12 cases of venous angioplasty and stent stenting in 9 cases had normal position, 1 case had abnormal position, 1 case had distal thrombosis and 1 case had stenting. Hematoma formation around veins; In the remaining 13 cases, 6 cases had venous patency of lower extremity, 4 cases had thrombus recurrence and 3 cases had chronic DVT syndrome of lower extremity. CT examination of 12 cases with occlusion or partial occlusion showed that 7 cases had normal position and 5 cases had abnormal angle or distortion of IVC filter. In 4 cases, a small amount of thrombus was seen near the filter. 2 cases had extensive DVT formation in inferior vena cava iliac vein. The diagnostic coincidence rate of CTA with DSA as diagnostic criterion was 98.8%. Conclusion CTA can accurately diagnose the cause of mechanical obstruction of lower extremity DVT, clearly show the location and range of DVT, and have a higher coincidence rate with conventional DSA. The CTA examination before interventional therapy has certain value. CTA can clearly show whether there are complications and the degree of pathological changes after interventional therapy, which is of great value in the diagnosis of complications after interventional therapy of DVT.
【作者单位】: 南京医科大学附属南京医院(南京市第一医院)放射影像科;
【基金】:南京市医学科技发展重点项目(编号:ZKX10004) 南京市医学科技发展重大项目(宁卫规[2012]6号)
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