[Abstract]:The harmful factors and their consequences of personal injury caused by environmental pollution have certain particularity, and it is also difficult to deal with the case of personal injury caused by environmental pollution. The pollutant enters the environment, causes the environmental quality to decline, and then affects the survival of the people who must rely on a certain quality of the environment to survive, leading to the human right to health, and even the right to life suffered varying degrees of infringement. It is the key mechanism to maintain the social order, alleviate the social contradiction, fundamentally improve the ecological environment, and embody the legal protection of human rights, to carry out the necessary punishment to the perpetrators of personal injury caused by environmental pollution, and to give the victims timely legal relief. Maintain the value orientation of fairness and justice. By expounding the legal basis of judicial identification of personal injury caused by environmental pollution, the attributes of legal medicine, the main body selection of judicial expertise, and the six problems that should be paid attention to by judicial expertise, etc. In order to provide a reference for the judicial identification of personal injury caused by environmental pollution.
【作者单位】: 河北医科大学法医学系河北省法医学重点实验室;
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