[Abstract]:Objective: adolescents are in growth stage, vertebrosis is not completed, and is easily deformed by external force. Insufficient strength and endurance of the psoas dorsalis muscle or asymmetry of the left and right sides may affect the growth and development of adolescents. This paper studies the test and evaluation method of strength endurance and left-right symmetry of psoas dorsalis muscle which is suitable for adolescents and provides reference for national physique monitoring method. Methods: 50 middle school boys and 50 girls were selected. The Biering-Sorensen posture was used to record the maintenance time and the electrical activity of L3-4 bilateral vertical spinal muscle and L5-S1 polyfissure muscle. The indexes of myoelectric activity were screened. The strength and endurance of the juvenile lumbar dorsal muscle and the symmetry of left and right sides were classified according to the deviation method. Back strength, left-right hand grip strength were measured, and the strength endurance and left-right symmetry of juvenile lumbar dorsal muscle were compared. Results: 1. In B-S motion test, the mobilization ratio of left vertical spinal muscle, right vertical spinal muscle, left polyfissure muscle and right polyfissure muscle was between 40%-60%MVC and the main forced muscle group. The high consistency R-0.97 (P0.01) of electromyoelectric index (MPF) decreased linearly with time; The MPFslope mean value difference test (P0.05) and correlation coefficient ICC0.80 (P0.01) were used to measure the strength and endurance of recurrent lumbar dorsal muscle twice. Therefore, the slope of MPF with time change MPFslope can be used as an index to evaluate the fatigue of single muscle of lumbar dorsalis muscle in adolescents. The strength endurance and symmetry of lumbar dorsalis muscle in teenagers were evaluated by using the fatigue index of lumbar dorsal muscle and the symmetry index of lumbar dorsal muscle. The strength and endurance of lumbar dorsal muscle in high school boys were higher than that in junior middle school boys and girls were higher than that of girls in junior high school. And has very significant. There were significant differences in strength tolerance of lumbar dorsal muscle between male and female in senior middle school group. 3. The results of strength tolerance and symmetry test of juvenile lumbar dorsal muscle showed normal distribution, and could be classified by the method of deviation. 4. There was a low correlation between back strength and strength tolerance of lumbar dorsal muscle, and a low correlation between left and right hand grip strength and symmetry of strength tolerance of lumbar dorsal muscle. Conclusion: 1. The strength tolerance and left to right symmetry of lumbar dorsalis muscle in adolescents can be evaluated by electromyography. 2. The results of strength tolerance and symmetry of left and right psoas dorsalis muscle in adolescents were normal distribution. The method of deviation can be used to establish the evaluation standard of strength endurance of lumbar dorsal muscle and symmetry of left and right sides of different population. 3. The test method of strength endurance and symmetry of juvenile psoas dorsalis muscle can not be maintained by the action of Biering-Sorensen test, and the traditional test of back strength can not be used. The left and right hand grip test was replaced.
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