发布时间:2021-11-21 13:20
To develop and validate a novel 6-dye STR(short tandem repeat) 25-plex DNA typing system for forensic DNA profiling and databases. In this study, a novel STR 25-plex DNA typing system that includes 24 autosomal STRs(D1 S1656, D2 S1338, D2 S441, D3 S1358, D5 S818, D6 S1043, D7 S820, D8 S1179, D10 S1248, D12 S391, D13 S317, D16 S539, D18 S51, D19 S433, D21 S11, D22 S1045, CSF1 PO, FGA, Penta D, Penta E, TH01, TPOX, v WA, D11 S4463) and Amelogenin was developed. Validation studies demonstrated the ...
【文章来源】:中国法医学杂志. 2020,35(03)CSCD
【文章页数】:7 页
1 Introduction
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Samples
2.2 Candidate loci selection
2.3 Primer design
2.4 PCR amplification
2.5 Detection and genotype analysis
2.6 Sensitivity studies
2.7 Species specificity studies
2.8 Stability studies
2.9 Sizing precision and accuracy
2.1 0 Concordance and stutter calculations
2.1 1 Mixture studies
2.1 2 Case-type samples testing
2.1 3 DNA database samples testing
2.1 4 Statistics
3 Results and discussion
3.1 Optimization of the new STR 25-plex typing system
3.2 Sensitivity studies
3.3 Species specificity studies
3.4 Stability studies
3.5 Sizing precision and accuracy
3.6 Concordance and stutter calculations
3.7 Mixture studies
3.8 Case-type samples and DNA database samples testing
3.9 Genetic parameters of the new STR 25-plex typing system
4 Conclusion
【文章来源】:中国法医学杂志. 2020,35(03)CSCD
【文章页数】:7 页
1 Introduction
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Samples
2.2 Candidate loci selection
2.3 Primer design
2.4 PCR amplification
2.5 Detection and genotype analysis
2.6 Sensitivity studies
2.7 Species specificity studies
2.8 Stability studies
2.9 Sizing precision and accuracy
2.1 0 Concordance and stutter calculations
2.1 1 Mixture studies
2.1 2 Case-type samples testing
2.1 3 DNA database samples testing
2.1 4 Statistics
3 Results and discussion
3.1 Optimization of the new STR 25-plex typing system
3.2 Sensitivity studies
3.3 Species specificity studies
3.4 Stability studies
3.5 Sizing precision and accuracy
3.6 Concordance and stutter calculations
3.7 Mixture studies
3.8 Case-type samples and DNA database samples testing
3.9 Genetic parameters of the new STR 25-plex typing system
4 Conclusion