本文关键词: 个性 血型 评价研究 出处:《中国临床康复》2005年48期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the factors of Minnesota personality checklist in active pilots. Methods: 200 male pilots who were randomly selected from March 2005 to March 2005 in Qingdao sanatorium of Jinan military region of PLA for healthy convalescence, All of them volunteered to take part in the investigation. The pilots'T scores were measured on the Minnesota multiple Personality inventory. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to extract psychotic factor (P), neurotic factor (N), extroversion factor (I), gas factor (M) for men and women (M), antisocial factor (A), and factorial factor (F) for maximum variance rotation, and factor load matrix was obtained. The correlation between blood type and factor T score was analyzed. The normal range of T score was between 40 and 60, and the deviation tendency was between 30 ~ 40 or 60 ~ (70). Results: all the 200 pilots were in accordance with the standard of the scale, and all of them were involved in the analysis of the results. The average score of psychotic factors in non-exfoliated blood pilots was 58.29 卤8.32, which indicated that the pilots had higher psychotic personality characteristics. The average score of good and bad factor is higher than 56.13 卤9.39, which indicates that the average score of introversion factor is lower than that of introversion factor (44.31 卤8.96), which indicates that the average score of neurotic factor in extraverted .2B blood is lower than 40.08 卤9.370.It indicates that the average score of neurotic factor is higher than that of neurotic personality. The average score of antisocial factors was 56.15 卤8.94, indicating the deviation of social adaptability; The average score of introversion and extroversion factors was 56.26 卤9.37, which indicated that the average score of antisocial factors in blood of introverted .3O type was higher (58.24 卤9.21), suggesting that the social adaptation ability was low, and the other factor scores were close to the standard score (50 卤100.4AB), and the scores of psychotic and neurotic factors were higher in blood of introverted .3O type. 57.26 卤9.18 卤58.24 卤8.59, indicating that the blood psychoticism is high and the neuroticism is low. The mean score of male and female gas factor was 42.18 卤8.32, which indicated that the average score of male gas and bad factor was 42.59 卤9.44 and 42.59 卤9.44, respectively. Conclusion: Minnesota multiple personality check table factor analysis can reflect the psychological quality of pilots in active service. There are also differences in the mean scores of different blood type factors, indicating that there is a certain internal relationship between personality characteristics and blood type.
【作者单位】: 解放军济南军区青岛第二疗养院 中国石油化工股份有限公司青岛安全工程研究院 解放军济南军区青岛第二疗养院 解放军济南军区青岛第二疗养院
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