本文选题:医德医风 切入点:微观调控模型 出处:《第四军医大学》2005年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:医学职业道德及医疗行业行风建设,是医学科学和医疗卫生事业发展的内在要求,是道德建设的重要组成部分,现阶段它也是社会关注的热点和难点问题之一。 军队医疗机构在坚持为兵服务的基础上,充分利用技术资源,努力为广大人民群众提供满意的医疗卫生服务,取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益。目前,随着国家医药卫生系统改革力度的加大、地方医院运作方式的改变,医疗市场竞争空前激烈。根据中央军委的统一部署,全军卫生单位目前正在进行精简整编,床位数和编制人员数大幅度缩减。新时期,军队医疗机构面临着前所未有的困难、机遇和挑战。 当前,由于受市场经济负面作用的影响,在一些军队医疗机构和医务人员中存在着一些不容忽视的问题,严重伤害了部队官兵、老干部和地方群众的利益和感情,严重损害了军队医疗机构的良好形象,在社会上造成了一定的不良影响。为此,2004年10月25日,总政治部、总后勤部联合制订下发了《军队医疗卫生机构医德医风建设规定》(以下简称《规定》),明确提出“七要、八禁、十五戒”,要求军队必须加强医疗卫生职业道德建设,严肃整饬不良医风,以促进军队医疗卫生事业健康发展。 本课题结合实际,贯彻《规定》,旨在从微观角度来具体分析医院内部涉及医德医风建设的各种因素及其关系,研究构建医德医风微观调控
[Abstract]:The construction of medical professional ethics and medical profession style is the internal requirement of the development of medical science and medical health, and an important part of moral construction. At present, it is also one of the hot and difficult problems that the society pays close attention to. On the basis of persisting in serving the armed forces, military medical institutions make full use of technical resources and strive to provide satisfactory medical and health services to the broad masses of the people, and have achieved good social and economic benefits. With the intensification of the reform of the national medical and health system and the change in the operation mode of local hospitals, the medical market is becoming more competitive than ever. According to the unified arrangement of the Central military Commission, the entire military health unit is currently undergoing streamlining and reorganization. The number of beds and staffing has been greatly reduced. In the new era, military medical institutions are facing unprecedented difficulties, opportunities and challenges. At present, due to the negative effects of the market economy, there are some problems that cannot be ignored in some military medical institutions and medical personnel, seriously hurting the interests and feelings of officers and soldiers, veteran cadres and the local masses. It has seriously damaged the good image of the military medical institutions and caused a certain negative impact on society. To this end, in October 25th 2004, the General political Department, The General Logistics Department jointly formulated and issued the "regulations on the Construction of Medical Ethics and Medical Conduct in military Medical and Health institutions" (hereinafter referred to as "the regulations"), which clearly put forward "seven essentials, eight prohibitions, 15 precepts" and required the army to strengthen the construction of medical and health professional ethics. Serious rectification of unhealthy medical practices, in order to promote the healthy development of military medical and health care. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the various factors and their relationships involved in the construction of medical ethics in a hospital from a micro perspective, and to study the construction of micro regulation of medical ethics.
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