本文选题:联勤体制 + 疫情信息 ; 参考:《解放军预防医学杂志》2005年01期
【摘要】:目的探讨联勤体制下部队疫情信息管理的方式方法。方法对联勤部队进行现场调研和座谈讨论 ,分析联勤体制下部队疫情报告和信息管理工作存在的问题和应开展的工作。结果部队联勤疫情信息管理采取的主要措施是 :熟悉情况 ,理顺关系 ,明确了各级应负的职责、任务 ;建立疫情日报网络连接 ,在现有条件下实行分区保障、分片落实等方法 ,逐步完成由单一保障向联勤保障的模式转变。通过分析 ,明确联勤体制下疫情信息管理工作具备的优势、目前存在的困难 ,并提出未来工作的几点设想 :(1)完善疫情信息管理网络建设 ;(2 )开展技术培训 ,提高疫情报告质量 ;(3)突出战区防病特点 ,加强疫情信息交流 ;(4)开展战区内重点疾病流行病学调查研究。结论部队联勤后疫情信息管理工作虽然暂时存在一定困难 ,但从长远观点看 ,对提高战区部队传染病预防控制能力具有重要意义。
[Abstract]:Objective to explore the ways and methods of information management of army epidemic situation under joint service system.Methods Field investigation and discussion were conducted to analyze the problems existing in the reporting of the epidemic situation and the information management of the troops under the joint service system and the work that should be carried out.Results the main measures to be taken in the information management of the epidemic situation in the joint service of the army are: familiarizing the situation, straightening out the relationship, defining the duties and tasks that should be performed at all levels, establishing a network connection of the epidemic situation daily newspaper, and implementing district protection under the existing conditions.Piecewise implementation and other methods, gradually completed from a single support to joint service support mode.Through analysis, the advantages and difficulties of epidemic information management under the joint service system are clarified, and several tentative ideas for future work are put forward: 1) perfecting the information management network of epidemic situation and carrying out technical training.To improve the quality of the report of the epidemic situation (3) to highlight the characteristics of disease prevention in the war zone and to strengthen the exchange of information on the epidemic situation. (4) to carry out epidemiological investigation and research on the key diseases in the war zone.Conclusion although there are some difficulties in the information management of epidemic situation after joint service, it is of great significance to improve the capability of prevention and control of infectious diseases in the troops in the war zone from a long-term point of view.
【作者单位】: 济南军区疾病预防控制中心
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