发布时间:2018-04-23 14:14
本文选题:舱室 + 爆炸伤 ; 参考:《第三军医大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:伊拉克战争、阿富汗战争中,以美国为主的多国部队作战人员主要在装甲车辆等战斗舱室内作战,穿甲弹、破甲弹、碎甲弹、地雷、简易爆炸装置(IEDs)等反装甲武器造成的爆炸导致受伤人员爆炸伤发生率高,尤其是创伤性颅脑损伤(TBI)发生率高居部位伤首位。据报道,美军60%以上的爆炸伤出现TBI,其中大约80%为轻度TBI(mild-TBI)。由于轻度TBI伤员早期无特异脑损伤体征,出现以认知、记忆障碍为主的精神障碍,常与创伤后应激紊乱综合症(PTSD)混淆,早期救治时易被忽略。因此,为提高舱室爆炸伤的救治水平,有必要探讨舱室爆炸的致伤机理,同时为防治舱室爆炸伤提供新的思路。 依照舱室爆炸的类型,舱室爆炸伤可分为舱内爆炸和舱外接触爆炸两种类型。前者见于穿入舱室的弹头爆炸或破甲弹金属射流造成的伤害,后者见于装甲防护能力强时,反装甲武器弹药未能击穿装甲防护层,爆炸所造成的舱室内人员损伤。以往认为,舱外接触爆炸主要造成舱内乘员抛掷、碰撞,出现类似交通事故伤的低加速度、高位移的撞击伤。为了减少舱外接触爆炸伤的发生,目前装甲车辆乘员大多由安全带等固定装置约束在座位上加以保护。但近来的研究发现,舱外接触爆炸造成的舱体高加速度(可达上万g)可造成与舱体紧密接触的人员肢体骨折、韧带撕脱、断裂、关节软骨破碎等,同时舱体的快速变形产生的衍生空气冲击波也会引起脏器组织的损伤。但迄今尚不清楚舱室乘员颅脑是否存在损伤,以及这类损伤与记忆、认知障碍的关系。 针对上述问题,本项研究在建立舱室外接触爆炸伤实验模型的基础上,从以下两部分探讨舱室外接触爆炸舱内大鼠脑损伤特点和机理。 一、观察舱室外接触爆炸舱内大鼠脑损伤特点 按正常成人与成年Spraque-Dawley(SD)雄性大鼠体积比,等比例缩小某型装甲运兵车,采用厚度为3.8mm的A级防弹钢板作为材料,建造舱室。将大鼠固定在舱室内座位上,取坐姿,引爆底板下方点爆源(400mg、800mg TNT当量点爆源分别记为E1、E_2,对应的致伤组分别为E1组、E_2组,正常对照组为N组),观察伤后大鼠一般情况及脑损伤特点,包括病理(镜下组织细胞结构、细胞凋亡、胶质细胞反应增生、脑含水量)、生化(脑损伤标志物NSE、S-100B含量)以及神经行为学(早期空间学习记忆)改变。 二、探讨舱室外接触爆炸舱内大鼠脑损伤机理将舱内座位悬空(与底板不接触,阻断加速度传导),采用E_2作为点爆源,再按上述方法致伤(实验组为J组),观察伤后大鼠脑损伤伤情变化,同时测量E1组、E_2组、J组座位加速度、大鼠头颅加速度及大鼠头颅位置空气压力,并分析其与大鼠脑损伤关系,以探讨舱室外接触爆炸舱内大鼠脑损伤机理。 主要结果如下: 1.伤后大鼠均存活,麻醉清醒后反应迟钝。E_2组大鼠伤后立即出现短暂呼吸变缓、平均动脉压下降,其中4只出现短暂呼吸暂停现象,持续时间(30-120)s。肉眼观大鼠颅脑、脊髓及心、肺等内脏器官无明显挫伤、出血。光镜下早期神经元胞体缩小变形、胞核固缩,胞质深染等急性坏死性改变,而后出现细胞核溶解,残留细胞轮廓,见于脊髓前角运动神经元、脑干核团神经元、大脑皮层、海马的锥体细胞及小脑蒲肯野细胞,微血管周围间质疏松、淡染,其中伤后6h各组大鼠海马CA1组织学损伤分级E_2组E1组N组,正常神经元密度E_2组E1组N组(P0.01),伤后24h神经细胞凋亡率E_2组E1组N组(P0.01),伤后168 h海马齿状回GFAP阳性细胞胞体肥大,突起增粗,细胞数E_2组E1组N组(P0.01)。电镜下E_2组神经元胞核水肿、内质网囊腔扩张,核周隙扩张,毛细血管内皮及基膜破损、不完整,轴索水肿、脱髓鞘、髓鞘排列紊乱等。E1、E_2组伤后3h脑含水量增加,多于N组(P0.05,P0.01),6h后达到高峰,而后逐渐下降,168h后降至正常,6h、24h时相点E_2组脑含水量多于E1组(P0.01)。E1、E_2组伤后6h血浆NSE、S-100B浓度升高,大于N组(P0.05、P0.01),24h后达到峰值,E_2组大于E1组(P0.01),168h降至伤前水平。上述结果提示爆炸能量越大,舱内大鼠脑损伤程度越重。 E_2组大鼠致伤后进入定位航行训练期,在第1 d~4 d逃避潜伏期较N组延长(P0.05),晚1 d进入平台期,且在第6 d空间探索实验中,经过平台次数减少(P0.01),提示早期空间学习障碍。E_2组大鼠在定位航行训练期结束后致伤,在随后空间探索实验中,跨越目标象限时间与经过平台次数均明显少于N组(P0.01),提示早期空间记忆障碍。 2.E1、E_2爆炸后舱室底板均无明显变形,但座位加速度很高,作用时间很短,即“瞬间高加速度”。E1爆炸时座位加速度峰值、峰值上升时间及持续作用时间分别为(5745±1036)g、(1.41±0.28)ms、(6.87±0.58)ms,E_2爆炸时分别为(13109±1167)g、(0.81±0.14)ms、(11.08±1.43)ms。而E1爆炸时大鼠头颅的加速度峰值、峰值上升时间及持续作用时间分别为(701±309)g、(0.78±0.18)ms、(1.00±0.14)ms,E_2爆炸时分别为(3383±935)g、(0.40±0.12)ms、(1.35±0.18)ms。以上结果提示座位加速度可传至大鼠头颅,并随爆炸能量增加其加速度峰值增加、峰值上升时间缩短、持续作用时间延长。E1与E_2爆炸时舱内大鼠头颅位置最大压力峰值、持续时间分别为(11.051±1.037)kpa、(25.0±1.4)ms与(19.250±2.179)kpa、(28.5±2.6)ms,结果证实衍生空气冲击波存在,且随爆炸能量增加其压力峰值增加、持续时间延长。将舱内座位悬空后,E_2爆炸时座位加速度峰值、峰值上升时间及持续作用时间均很小,几乎为零,即阻断加速度对大鼠的作用,而衍生空气冲击波仍存在。此时J组舱内大鼠在海马CA1区神经元损伤、脑含水量增多、血浆NSE、S-100B浓度升高、空间学习记忆障碍等方面较E_2组明显减轻(P0.01),与N组无明显差异(P0.05),提示主要致伤因素为座位加速度,衍生空气冲击波参与致伤,但作用很小。 结论: 1.舱室外接触爆炸舱内大鼠存在轻度弥漫性脑损伤,尽管大体形态改变不明显,但镜下病理、生化改变明显,伴有短暂生命体征变化及早期空间学习记忆障碍,且损伤程度与爆炸能量呈正相关。 2.舱室外接触爆炸舱内大鼠脑损伤主要由座位高加速度所致。本实验中座位高加速度峰值很高(5745g~13109g),峰值上升时间很短(0.81ms~1.41ms),作用时间也很短(6.87ms~11.08ms)。爆炸能量越大,加速度峰值越高,峰值上升时间越短,作用时间越长,舱内大鼠脑损伤程度越重。衍生空气冲击波参与致伤,但作用很小。 3.损伤机制考虑为爆炸后由于底板变形小,相当一部分能量转化底板、座位的加速度,经大鼠与舱体接触部位传入体内并向远处传播,而由于躯干组织致密、变形较小,能量衰减少,以致更多能量通过躯干继续传递,作用于远处组织(如脊髓、脑等)并引起损伤。 4.从本研究结果得到提示,舱室设计时既要防止乘员抛掷伤,也要注意由此可能带来更严重的瞬间高加速度的致伤作用。
[Abstract]:In the war of Iraq , during the war in Afghanistan , the United States - based multinational force fighters mainly fought in combat cabins such as armored vehicles , and the explosive injury caused by anti - armoured weapons such as armored vehicles , bullet - breaking bombs , broken shells , mines and improvised explosive devices led to high incidence of explosive injury .
According to the type of explosion in the cabin , the explosion injury of the cabin can be divided into two types : an in - cabin explosion or an external contact explosion . The former is found in a warhead explosion or a bullet - breaking metal jet penetrating into the cabin , and the latter is found in the cabin in which the armor protection layer and the explosion are damaged . In the past , it is found that the high acceleration of the cabin body caused by the explosion of the cabin body can cause the injury of the organ tissue .
In view of the above problems , this study is based on the establishment of an experimental model of the explosion injury outside the cabin , and the characteristics and mechanism of the brain injury of the rat in vitro contact explosion cabin are discussed from the following two parts .
1 . Observation of the characteristics of brain injury in the explosion chamber exposed to the outside of the cabin
In normal adult and adult spraque - Dawley ( SD ) male rats , a class of armoured personnel carriers were reduced . A Class A bulletproof steel plate with a thickness of 3.8mm was used as the material to construct the cabin . The rats were fixed in the seats of the cabin , and the explosive sources ( 400 mg , 800mg TNT equivalent point explosion source were respectively designated as E1 and E _ 2 , and the corresponding wounding groups were E1 and E _ 2 respectively ) .
2 . To investigate the mechanism of brain injury in the rat brain injury induced by external contact explosion in the cabin , and use the E _ 2 as the point explosion source , and then the injury of the brain injury in the injured rats was observed by the method described above ( experimental group is J group ) .
The main results are as follows :
In group E _ 2 , the content of brain water was increased in group E _ 2 group ( P0.05 , P0.01 ) . The contents of NSE and S - 100B in the group E _ 2 were higher than those in group E _ 2 ( P0.05 , P0.01 ) . After 24h , the peak value was reached , the E _ 2 group was larger than that of the E1 group ( P0.01 ) , and the level of injury was decreased at 168 h . The above results suggested that the greater the explosive energy , the heavier the degree of brain injury in the rat .
In the experiment of space exploration , the time of crossing the target quadrant and the number of passing stages were significantly lower than that of the N group ( P0.01 ) , suggesting the early spatial memory impairment .
The peak of acceleration , peak rise time and duration of E _ 2 explosion were ( 5745 卤 1 167 ) g , ( 0 . 81 卤 0 . 14 ) ms and ( 1 . 35 卤 0 . 18 ) ms , respectively .
Conclusion :
1 . There were mild diffuse brain injury in the explosion chamber outside the cabin , although the general morphological changes were not obvious , but the pathological and biochemical changes were obvious , with transient vital sign changes and early spatial learning and memory impairment , and the degree of injury was positively correlated with the explosion energy .
2 . The high acceleration peak of the seat was very high ( 5745g ~ 13109g ) and the peak rise time was very short ( 6.87 ms ~ 11.08 ms ) . The longer the peak rise time , the longer the peak rise time , the longer the action time , the heavier the degree of brain injury in the cabin .
3 . The damage mechanism takes into account the small deformation of the base plate after the explosion , the acceleration of the seat is transformed into the body through the contact part of the rat and the cabin body and propagates far away , and because the trunk tissue is compact , the deformation is small , the energy attenuation is reduced , so that more energy can continue to be transmitted through the trunk , and acts on the distant tissue ( such as the spinal cord , the brain and the like ) and causes damage .
4 . From the results of this study , it is suggested that when the cabin is designed , it is necessary to prevent the occupant from throwing the injury , but also to pay attention to the injury which may result in more severe transient high acceleration .
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