本文选题:驻澳某部 + 卫生防疫保障 ; 参考:《解放军预防医学杂志》2002年01期
【摘要】:目的 :针对某部卫生防疫保障面临的特点 ,采取有效措施 ,不断改善官兵生活工作环境 ,积极培养官兵良好的卫生行为 ,提高官兵健康水平 ,为提高部队战斗力 ,履行好防务职能服务。方法 :通过一年多的实践 ,研究探讨、总结部队在特殊环境下的卫生防疫保障的基本经验。结果 :部队在特殊环境条件下 ,没有发生传染病 ,其它各项发病率均控制在上级规定的指标范围内 ,并总结出四点体会 :(1)领导重视是搞好卫生防疫保障工作的前提 ;(2 )“预防为主”是搞好卫生防疫保障工作的关键 ;(3)依法管理是搞好卫生防疫保障工作的重点 ;(4)健康教育是搞好卫生防疫保障工作的有效途径。结论 :从实践中总结出来的措施和经验是科学的 ,对类似的单位 ,做好卫生防疫保障提供了有益的参考
[Abstract]:Objective: to take effective measures to improve the living and working environment of officers and soldiers, to train the good health behavior of officers and soldiers, and to improve the health level of officers and soldiers according to the characteristics of health and epidemic prevention guarantee in a certain department. In order to improve the combat effectiveness of the army and perform defense functions well. Methods: through more than one year's practice, the basic experience of health and epidemic prevention in the army was summarized. Results: under the special environment conditions, there was no infectious disease in the army, and the other incidence rates were controlled within the index set by the superior. And summed up four points of understanding: 1) leadership attention is the premise of doing a good job of health and epidemic prevention work. 2) "prevention first" is the key to do a good job of health and epidemic protection work. 3) the management according to law is the important work of health and epidemic prevention guarantee work. Health education is an effective way to ensure health and epidemic prevention. Conclusion: the measures and experiences summarized from practice are scientific and provide a useful reference for similar units to do a good job of health and epidemic prevention protection.
【作者单位】: 驻澳门部队门诊部 驻澳门部队门诊部
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