本文选题:减压病 + 动物模型 ; 参考:《环境与健康杂志》2009年11期
[Abstract]:In order to establish a rat model of air diving decompression sickness, adult clean SD rats were selected and treated with appropriate pressure - time - decompression rate hyperbaric exposure program. The following groups were as follows: (1) 600kPa-90min exposure -200kPa/min decompression (n=8); (2) 700kPa-90min exposure -200kPa/ min decompression (n=8); (3) 700kPa-100min exposure -100kPa/min decompression (n=8); (4) 700kPa-1 00min exposes -200kPa/min decompression (n=37). After being out of the cabin, it is placed in a cage with 3m/min speed movement 30min. from the overall behavior, gross and micropathology, and the inflammatory response is selected to establish the evaluation index system. By controlling the "pressure time - pressure reduction rate" and the method of rotation cage movement, a stable disease can be prepared. A model evaluation system including behavior, general pathology, micropathology, and inflammatory markers in the lung and central nervous system was established. The model of decompression sickness in a specific incidence can be established according to the need. The established evaluation system can reflect the condition of the model well.
【作者单位】: 中国人民解放军第二军医大学海军医学系潜水医学教研室;
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