本文选题:坑道 + 饮水卫生保障 ; 参考:《解放军预防医学杂志》2005年06期
【摘要】:目的探讨部队驻训坑道期间饮水卫生保障。方法针对坑道水源卫生学特点,采用军事医学科学院研制的WEF 91-2型检水检毒箱及北京塞帝克生物技术有限公司生产的水质检测纸片培养基,依据GJB 1096-91军队战时饮用水标准检验法对坑道山泉水、水塘水及末梢水进行检测,并按GJB 651-89及GB 5749-85标准进行水质评价。结果经检测2处水源均可用,但存在肉眼可见物及细菌指标超标的问题,其中山泉水较好;针对具体情况,指导部队采取科学选择水源,加强水源卫生管理,进行水质洁治和消毒,强化坑道饮水净化装置的使用,开展饮水卫生健康教育等措施,有效地改善了水源水质,保证了驻训官兵的饮水卫生安全。结论驻训坑道期间采取的饮水卫生保障做法是有效的,同时应进一步加强坑道饮水卫生的研究。
[Abstract]:Objective to explore the sanitary guarantee of drinking water during the training tunnel. Methods according to the sanitary characteristics of water source of tunnel, WEF91-2 type water poison detection box developed by the Academy of military Medical Sciences and the water quality test paper culture medium produced by Beijing Sedik Biotechnology Co., Ltd were used. According to GJB 1096-91 standard test method for potable water in wartime, the water quality of tunnel spring water, reservoir water and peripheral water was detected, and the water quality was evaluated according to GJB 651-89 and GB 5749-85 standard. Results both of the two water sources were available, but there were problems of exceeding the standard of visible objects and bacteria in the naked eye, among which the spring water was better. In view of the specific situation, the troops were instructed to choose water sources scientifically and to strengthen the water sanitation management. Measures such as cleaning and disinfection of water quality, strengthening the use of drinking water purification device and carrying out health education of drinking water can effectively improve the water quality of the water source and ensure the drinking water sanitation and safety of the officers and soldiers in training. Conclusion the drinking water sanitation guarantee during the training tunnel is effective and the study of drinking water sanitation in the tunnel should be further strengthened.
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