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发布时间:2018-08-25 18:30
【摘要】:目的 :为提高热带地区部队濒海游泳训练卫生防疫保障能力 ,保障参训官兵身体健康。方法 :遂行部队全过程参加濒海游泳训练 ,深入基层训练一线对部队实施全方位防疫保障 ,并及时总结经验。针对海训卫生防疫保障特点 ,采取了五点做法 :(1)摸清底数 ,准备充分 ;(2 )综合治理 ,完善设施 ;(3)加强饮食饮水管理 ,把好“病从口入关” ;(4)加强检查监督 ,确保制度落实 ;(5 )采用多种手段 ,搞好训练保障。结果 :由于措施得力 ,参训部队昼夜发病率控制在 1.5‰以内 ,无传染病暴发流行和食物中毒发生 ,有效保障了部队濒海训练任务的完成。结论 :热带地区部队濒海训练卫生防疫保障有其特殊要求 ,本文总结的几点做法 ,供部队海训防疫保障时参考
[Abstract]:Objective: to improve the health and epidemic prevention ability of marine swimming training in tropical area and to ensure the health of the officers and soldiers. Methods: the army took part in the sea swimming training in the whole process, and carried out the omnidirectional epidemic prevention guarantee for the troops in the basic level training line, and summed up the experience in time. In view of the characteristics of health and epidemic prevention in marine training, five measures have been adopted: (1) to find out the basic numbers and to be fully prepared; (2) to comprehensively control and improve facilities; (3) to strengthen the management of diet and drinking water, and to "pass the disease through the mouth"; and (4) to strengthen inspection and supervision. To ensure the implementation of the system; (5) to adopt a variety of means to do a good job in training support. Results: as a result of effective measures, the incidence rate of day and night was controlled within 1.5 鈥,




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