[Abstract]:The first group of long term inspection teams have been stationed on the International Space Station (ISS) to begin long-term manned flight, which has opened a new page in the history of human spaceflight. So far, 14 missions of the long term inspection group have been successfully completed. In space flight, astronauts are affected by abnormal environmental factors such as microgravity, radiation, circadian rhythm, isolation and so on. In order to ensure the long-term health of astronauts, 59 space life science studies have been carried out or will be carried out on ISS. These studies explored the relationship between the rate of subcortical bone loss and recovery, the characteristics of skeletal muscle atrophy and functional decline, the decrease of spinal cord excitability, and the reduction of immune function and the reactivation of the virus due to long-term weightlessness. In addition, we have also observed the effects of prolonged isolation on the psychological and behavioral changes of astronauts, the rapid change of night and day on sleep, and found that long-term radiation may cause cataracts and tumors, as well as damage to the reproductive and nervous system. It can even induce genetic lesions. At the same time, the effectiveness of countermeasures such as drugs, exercise, nutrition and vibration were tested during the flight, and the protective effects of these countermeasures on different systems were further observed. These results lay a solid foundation for the development of a new generation and more targeted countermeasures.
【作者单位】: 第四军医大学航空航天生理学教研室;
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