发布时间:2018-11-24 20:08
【摘要】:目的 :为了解部队伤病战士现状 ,总结卫生工作经验教训 ,增强工作针对性 ,为做好部队伤病残战士工作提供依据。方法 :设计专门调查表 ,组织经过培训的专业人员进行调查。结果 :共调查 380 2 8名战士 ,其中伤病发生率为 8.2 0‰ ,伤病之比 1:1.38,伤病战士中评残的占33.97% ,致残率为 2 .79‰ ,伤残与病残之比 1:0 .31。第 1年度及第 4年度以上战士病员多于伤员。受伤战士以下肢骨折居多。患病战士以精神系统疾病为多。结论 :部队卫生工作应做到防病、防伤、防残并举 ,重视抓好军事训练伤健康保护和精神心理卫生工作
[Abstract]:Objective: in order to understand the present situation of wounded soldiers in army, summarize the experience and lessons of health work, strengthen the pertinence of work, and provide the basis for the work of wounded and disabled soldiers. Methods: a special questionnaire was designed and the trained professionals were investigated. Results: a total of 38028 soldiers were investigated. The incidence of injury and injury was 8.20 鈥,
[Abstract]:Objective: in order to understand the present situation of wounded soldiers in army, summarize the experience and lessons of health work, strengthen the pertinence of work, and provide the basis for the work of wounded and disabled soldiers. Methods: a special questionnaire was designed and the trained professionals were investigated. Results: a total of 38028 soldiers were investigated. The incidence of injury and injury was 8.20 鈥,