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发布时间:2018-11-28 07:06
【摘要】:目的 :为了进一步掌握高原部队的水源水质现状 ,建立水源卫生资料 ,总结改水经验 ,为平时进一步改善水质及战时水源卫生侦察和水源的选择提供依据。方法 :按统一表格进行现场调查 ,然后采样送实验室检测。采样、检测方法统一采用GB 5 75 0 - 85 ,标准采用GB 5 74 9-85 ,按全军综合评价标准对自供水源进行综合评价。参照农村生活饮用水标准 (准则 )对水源水质进行分级。结果 :供水方式以集中式给水为主 ,自供水源 2 37个 ,城镇自来水 11个 ,水量充足 ;调查发现部分水源卫生防护较差 ,洁治消毒设施简陋 ,消毒制度落实不好 ;调查的 2 4 8个水源感官性状较好 ;总硬度超标 13个 ,铁超标 30个 ,锰超标 2 2个 ,氟化物超标 7个 ,汞超标 13个 ,细菌总数超标 16 2个 ,占 6 5 .3% ;总大肠菌群超标 2 0 0个 ,占 80 .6 %。对自供水源进行综合评价 :评为良好的 39个 ,评为差的 4 2个。参照农村生活饮用水标准 (准则 )分级 ,一级的 4 2个 ,二级的 98个 ,三级的 5 4个。不合格的 4 3个。结论 :西藏地区部队以集中式供水为主 ,但由于卫生防护与管理不善 ,水源污染的情况较为严重。建议加强水源卫生管理 ,提高管水人员的技术素质和管水能力 ,严格落实饮水消毒制度 ,加大改水及管水力度
[Abstract]:Objective: to further understand the current situation of water quality in highland troops, establish water sanitation data, summarize the experience of water improvement, and provide the basis for further improvement of water quality in peacetime and water sanitation reconnaissance and selection of water sources in wartime. Methods: field investigation was carried out according to the unified form, and then sampling was sent to the laboratory for examination. The sampling and detection methods were unified by GB 5750- 85 and standard by GB 574-85. According to the comprehensive evaluation standard of the whole army, the self-supplied water source was evaluated synthetically. The quality of drinking water was classified according to the standards of drinking water in rural areas. Results: the main way of water supply was centralized water supply, with 237 water sources and 11 tap water in cities and towns. It was found that some of the water sources had poor sanitation protection, poor sanitary facilities and poor disinfection system, and 248 of the investigated water sources had better sensory properties. The total hardness exceeded the standard 13, iron 30, manganese 22, fluoride 7, mercury 13, bacteria 162 (65.3%). The total coliform group exceeded the standard by 200, accounting for 80.6%. Comprehensive evaluation of self-supplied water sources: 39 good and 42 poor. According to the criteria of rural drinking water, 42 of the first grade, 98 of the second and 54 of the third. 43 were not qualified. Conclusion: centralized water supply is the main type of water supply in Tibet, but the pollution of water source is serious due to poor health protection and management. It is suggested that water sanitation management should be strengthened, the technical quality and ability of water management personnel should be improved, the drinking water disinfection system should be strictly implemented, and the improvement and management of water should be strengthened.
【作者单位】: 西藏军区后勤部卫生防疫队 西藏军区后勤部卫生防疫队 西藏军区后勤部卫生防疫队 西藏军区后勤部卫生防疫队 西藏军区后勤部卫生防疫队 西藏军区后勤部卫生防疫队 西藏军区后勤部卫生防疫队 西藏军区后勤部卫生防疫队


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